About the project

PetGlobals is not an ordinary bulletin board. This is a complex project that aims to make the world of pets better, closer and more accessible.

The site is translated in five languages of the world German, Polish, French, English and Russian, which will simplify the reading of information on your familiar language.

Within the company, we want to simplify communication between breeders and buyers, to make possible the delivery of any pet, even the most rare, from all over the world, to make lifes of our four-legged friends better thanks to numerous services that can be ordered directly on our website.

Our well-established delivery system, many years of experience of communication with customers and breeder, an extensive theoretical and practical knowledge base will contribute to the destruction of obstacles that usually prevent the pet's order.

PetGlobals is a team of caring people. We want to erase geographic borders on the issue of buying / selling pets.

    PetGlobals. There are no borders.

