Interesting facts about dogs and cats
Do you think that you already know everything about our younger brothers? We will try to surprise you by posting articles with interesting facts about dogs and cats.

Do you know what the biggest dog looks like? Here you will find breeds whose representatives differ in impressive size.

Do you like unusual animals and would like to pay a tidy sum for a unique one? For you, we have prepared a selection of the most expensive breeds of cats!

In this article, will try to debunk the most popular myths regarding grooming and keeping cats.

If you see an advertisement for the sale of an Usher cat, run away from such a dishonest breeder. Why? Let's tell you now!

Do you dream of a compact four-legged friend, but do not know whom to choose? In the article you will find the names of the best decorative dogs with photos.

When lovers of exotics learned that some wild cats could be tamed, they immediately began to domesticate a serval and a caracal. What came of it?

Want to know which whiskered pets are smart and smart? Especially for you, we have compiled the Top 10 most intelligent cat breeds.

A person who has never dreamed of a four-footed friend might think that the world has gone mad. After all, the value of some puppies amounts to several thousand, or even tens of thousands of dollars.

In this article, we will get to know you a little closer with cute “bearded” dogs, which in addition have miniature parameters.

For each owner, the smartest dog is its own. And it is right! But if we talk about the results of research and experiments in which four-legged pets take part, then we can name the smartest breeds.

Think you are good at felines? Especially for you we have prepared a selection of breeds of wild cats, which you may not have heard.