Animal lovers are ready to give almost any money for a dream dog. And if there is a demand, there is a supply. Here are the breeds that are on the list of the most expensive.
Tibetan mastiff

For each adjective that defines this dog (large, furry, smart and expensive), you can safely substitute the words "very" or "excessive". This is truly the most expensive dog in the world. Puppies cost 2-8 thousand cu And if you want to buy this big man in China in the best nursery, then do not be surprised at the price of 1.5 million cu
Pharaoh Hound, Kelb tal-Fenek

Despite the accepted international version of the name, this dog is not related to Ancient Egypt. It is the national breed of Malta, and the ancestor of this cute pet is a Maltese hunting dog. The breed is quite rare, so its cost is 1-8 thousand dollars.
Pomeranian, Dwarf Spitz

These small smiling animals are rapidly gaining popularity around the world. So, Spitz Boo (Boo), similar to a teddy bear, has become one of the most popular pets on Facebook and Instagram. The cost of puppies is from 500 to 4000 cu

This pet is also called the Congo Terrier and the African barking or Congolese shrub dog. Many liked Basenji due to their bright appearance, quick wits and a friendly character. It’s also very interesting that they don’t know how to bark, so they will become an excellent companion for the owner who loves silence. You can buy "silent" for 400-2000 cu
Cavalier king charles spaniel

A small dog from the group of spaniels is characterized by a cheerful and good-natured disposition, a bright appearance and grace. And this is no accident. The first lords were led by the English Lords. Breeders offer puppies an average of $ 500-2500.
Bichon Frize

These miniature dogs with snow-white hair in the past were the Pied Piper, and are now better known as decorative pets. They are also called French lapdog. Buying a puppy will cost 500-2000 cu

This is a type of dwarf continental toy spaniel. Unusual ears of smart papillons resemble spread wings of a butterfly. Spectacular appearance, friendly character and devotion to the owner make butterfly dogs more and more popular. You can buy a papillon puppy for 400-2000 cu

A small dog with soft and silky white hair is very good-natured and loves to play. There are two varieties of the breed: the American Maltese has shorter hair than the English. The cost of a dog is from 400 to 2500 dollars.
Thai ridgege

This is the national breed of Thailand, and outside of this country it is not very popular. Ridgeback is primarily an active and strong hunter, but due to its unusual appearance it attracts the attention of people who are not interested in hunting. You can buy a puppy of this native breed for 400-1500 cu

The cool and elegant bulldog was once considered a fighting breed, but now it is just a companion dog. Due to the short airways, it’s hard for bulldogs to breathe, which is why they snort, grunt and snore in their sleep all the time. But this fact makes them even sweeter. You can buy a puppy for 300-1000 dollars.
Of course, in any other breed you can find no less expensive representatives. These are just average numbers. Pet prices vary depending on parental titles, puppy gender, color and other factors. But, whatever the cost of the dog, for each owner, it is his pet that is priceless.