TOP 5 miniature "bearded" dogs

Dog breeds today amaze with the variety of their exterior. Some of them have similar features, while others are radically different. A pet can be gigantic and miniature, smooth-haired and long-haired, white, black and tricolor, kind and flexible, aggressive and independent. That is why a person's eyes can run up when choosing the pet that suits him.

In this article, we suggest you get acquainted with the "bearded" dog breeds. These four-legged have a bright, eye-catching exterior due to the unusual coat on the head, which looks exactly like a real beard.

Moreover, we have identified the cutest breeds among miniature ones. So, you can easily maintain any of these handsome men even in a city or apartment. Go!

Click on the breed name in the title to read more about it.

1. Brussels Griffon
Brussels Griffon

The Brussels Griffon looks like a little housekeeper. He does not mind the soul in his master, very active, agile, loves all kinds of games.

The birthplace of its origin is Belgium, and the name translated from French means ‘coarse-haired’.

Initially, it was widely used in agriculture to control rodents. Only in the 19th century, the unusual exterior of the caudate was appreciated and became loved by representatives of the nobility. During the Second World War, there was a threat of the complete extinction of the species, but, fortunately, it was possible to reanimate it.

Puppies of the Brussels Griffon.

2. Shih Tzu
Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu is a breed whose representatives are often called the “lion dog” or the “chrysanthemum dog”. This oriental beauty stands out from other animals. Her secret is in a lush, thick fur coat, which on her head also creates a fancy beard.

For a long time, the possession of such a dog was available only to the Chinese imperial court and its entourage. Today, nothing prevents you from having such a mischievous, clever pet.

Shih Tzu puppies.

3. West Highland White Terrier
West Highland White Terrier

West Highland White Terrier or, as it is often called, Westik is a dog that looks like a white fluffy cloud. Such a pet can be called ideally urban, because it is small in size, does not fade, does not smell with proper nutrition. Moreover, he does not mind the soul in his master and will become his faithful companion in all travels and adventures.

Vestik is a burrow hunter. That is why when traveling, for example, to the cottage, be prepared for the fact that not a single mouse will slip past it, not a single bed will remain unnoticed.

West Highland White Terrier puppies.

4. Scotch terrier
Scotch terrier

The Scotch Terrier or the Scottish Terrier is a dog that is very similar to Vestik, but unlike it does not have a white fur coat, but is completely black. He attracts attention with his squat body, short legs, erect ears. A beard is only a plus to his already original appearance.

Scotch Terrier is from Scotland. These "shorties" managed to win the hearts of Roosevelt, Bush Jr., Tsoi and Mayakovsky.

Scotch terrier puppies.

5. Miniature Schnauzer
Miniature Schnauzer

The Miniature Schnauzer is the smallest dog in the Schnauzer family. He is distinguished by slender legs, a proud step, a smart look. This dog has a very delicate scent, thanks to which it successfully serves in the ranks of the customs authorities and other organizations.

The miniature schnauzer is recognized as the smallest service breed. It is a pleasure to train him, as the pet grasps everything literally on the fly.

Puppies of the Miniature Schnauzer.

So we met with very cute "bearded" dogs. At PetGlobals you can become the proud owner of a representative of each of these wonderful breeds. But do not forget that such a feature entails the following concerns:

Wool in this area will get dirty faster (it should be washed regularly, especially after walking);

Careful combing of the beard will be required so that it looks presentable;

After the four-legged drink, do not be surprised by the streams of water on your floor, which will flow down the coat.

In any case, all these breeds are a great choice for a modern, active person who will be ready to give love and care to his tailed friend!

Екатерина    29 May 2020 - 10:28

Обожаю гриффончиков!!!))

Людмила    29 May 2020 - 10:39

Какая позитивная подборка)

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