The smartest cat breeds in the world

Tastes differ. For one owner, an attractive or unusual pet appearance is important, and for another, his intelligence is important. If you belong to the second group, you will probably be interested to know which breeds of cats are the smartest.

Sphynx cat


All sphinxes (Canadian, Don and Peterbald) in recent years topped the ranking of the most intelligent cats in the world. Although many people know them as strange animals that have no hair on their bodies. In fact, experts believe that the sphinx is not only the smartest, but also the most affectionate breed of cats. He does not tolerate loneliness, therefore, seeks to spend as much time as possible with a person. Perhaps this fact allows us to better understand the hosts and respond to any requests.



The breed is famous primarily for its memorable appearance. Blue eyes and a unique coat color leave no one indifferent. But these amazing animals also lend themselves well to training. They like to bring objects to people, so in everyday life they often resemble dogs.

Turkish angora

Turkish angora

Interesting fact: did you know that the Angora cat likes to swim? But for most of her relatives this occupation is sheer hell. So, a strong-willed cat with a soft white fur coat and multi-colored eyes has enough intelligence and courage to understand: splashing in the water is great. And Turkish Angora is persistent and special in character.



These rare cats with short legs are friendly and obedient. Munchkin loves to play with a man and perform various tricks. True, provided that the efforts will be rewarded with delicious food. It is important not to feed your pet, as it is prone to gain weight.



Bengals are considered to be one of the most intelligent cats. They are curious, emotional, and thanks to the well-developed instincts that have come from a wild leopard relative, they are able to make decisions and make tricks on their own. In addition, Bengal pets have a good memory and developed intuition.

Maine coon

Maine coon

A large cat with a long and thick coat is completely unlike wild ancestors. Maine Coon is very kind, curious and quick-witted. He loves to play with a person and incredibly quickly memorizes commands by ear.



Siberians are patient and unobtrusive, but even at an advanced age do not mind playing with their beloved master. The Siberian cat remembers words perfectly, but it is better that only the owner gives commands, since all the demands from the lips of a stranger will simply be passed by. He is also an excellent hunter, therefore, for lack of lively prey, he loves to bring a toy mouse to a person.

Abyssinian cat

Abyssinian cat

Abyssinians are very curious. It is difficult to find a corner in the house that this kitten has not visited. At the same time, Abyssinian cats understand and remember the prohibitions well, are always tuned to communicate with people, sometimes they are even too intrusive, in particular, when they try to “help” in household chores.



It is still a rare, but very convenient family pet at home. Burmese is not at all aggressive, intelligent and playful. She is easy to learn (especially thanks to lessons in a playful way), quickly remembers the meanings of words and loves to bring people her toys.

British shorthair

British shorthair

The British are calm and non-conflict, so they get along well with other animals. They are easily recognizable by the gray-blue wool, similar to velor, and round copper eyes. The British Shorthair is well-trained due to the fact that she is ready to fulfill any whim for a piece of delicious delicacy.

Of course, you should not rely only on nature, which endowed these wonderful mustached pets with intelligence. Gentle communication and daily exercises will help to fully reveal their abilities. What cats do you think have the right to be called the smartest in the world?

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