Cats for sale - Москва

Updated on: 2020-05-14
  • Breed: Sphynx-Katze
  • Male/Female: Male
  • Age: 4 Years 10 Months

The official cattery Werewolfcat (registered in the TICA system), has been working in Russia for 5 years with its own 4 knee lines, offers kittens for breeding and as a pet.

781.02 $

Russian Federation, Москва

Updated on: 2020-05-13
  • Breed: Cornish Rex
  • Male/Female: Male, Female
  • Age: 4 Years 6 Months

The cattery Сounty Rex offers high-breed cats and seals.

325.42 $

Russian Federation, Москва

Updated on: 2020-05-13
  • Breed: Cornish Rex
  • Male/Female: Female
  • Pedigree: Yes
  • Age: 4 Years 6 Months

A high-level cat is offered to pets, possibly for breeding (the price is different). Affectionate, healthy, playful girl.

325.42 $

Russian Federation, Москва

Updated on: 2020-04-22
  • Breed: British Shorthair
  • Male/Female: Male
  • Age: 4 Years 7 Months

The kitten is the son from our dad, cat Fili (World Champ Raphael Linders) is just a wonderful kid. With a good pedigree and excellent pedigree data.

520.68 $

Russian Federation, Москва

Updated on: 2020-04-22
  • Breed: Domestic cat
  • Male/Female: Female
  • Age: 4 Years 6 Months

Two wonderful babes, charming creatures, looking for a reliable home!

Is free

Russian Federation, Москва

Updated on: 2020-04-21
  • Age: 4 Years 9 Months

It is believed that cats in black and white are messengers from heaven, they protect their owners from the evil eye and negative from outsiders

Is free

Russian Federation, Москва

Updated on: 2020-04-15
  • Breed: Neva masquerade
  • Male/Female: Female
  • Age: 4 Years 5 Months

Adorable kittens that bring joy

390.51 $

Russian Federation, Москва

Updated on: 2020-03-12
  • Breed: Maine Coon
  • Male/Female: Male
  • Age: 4 Years 9 Months

The largest kitten in the litter from a chic show couple

520.68 $

Russian Federation, Москва

Updated on: 2020-03-12
  • Breed: Maine Coon
  • Male/Female: Female
  • Age: 4 Years 9 Months

Maine Coon kitten is free. Very beautiful color, promising.

520.68 $

Russian Federation, Москва

Updated on: 2020-03-10
  • Breed: Neva masquerade
  • Male/Female: Male
  • Age: 4 Years 10 Months

Neva Masquerade, cat - ALEX DESIRED GIFT 11.17.19 A very affectionate, quiet intellectual with a surprisingly fluffy fur coat. Ready for moving to a new home.

325.42 $

Russian Federation, Москва
