Pet delivery

Updated on: 2021-03-11

Petcargo offers animal transport services - Dogs, Cats, Horses, Birds, Fish, Exotic Animals.

Is free

Ukraine, Kiev

Updated on: 2021-03-20 we have a type 2 license for transport to the UK

Price: negotiated

Poland, Nowy Sącz

Updated on: 2021-03-23
  • Transport: Air Delivery, Cargo delivery, Automatische Lieferung, Train

It is required to transport a puppy from Minsk to Amsterdam Puppy weight 2 kg puppy carrier The required package of documents. Inform the departure date and cost. Thank!

Price: negotiated

Belarus, Minsk

Updated on: 2021-04-05

I am looking for help with the delivery of a kitten from Minsk to Amsterdam in April-May

Price: negotiated

Netherlands, Роттердам

Updated on: 2021-04-14

Delivery of animals, assistance in registration.

Price: negotiated

Russian Federation, Москва

Updated on: 2021-04-17

I need to transport a dog from Brest to Wroclaw. the dog is ready for transportation. all documents and a chip are available

Price: negotiated

Poland, Wrocław

Updated on: 2021-04-17

transport a kitten from Belarus to Germany

Price: negotiated

Germany, Киль

Updated on: 2021-04-18

I am looking for a carrier for the delivery of dogs Belarus - Poland

Price: negotiated

Poland, Ломянки

Updated on: 2021-04-18

We urgently need to return the cat! From Italy to Belarus Roma (Ostia) in Belarus (Minsk) Please, call!!

Price: negotiated

Belarus, Minsk

Updated on: 2021-04-19

It is required to pick up 2 guinea pigs from Ukraine, Kiev, with a visit to the veterinary clinic to obtain a certificate, and deliver to Belarus. Preferably Grodno, but I can pick it up in Minsk.

Price: negotiated

Belarus, Grodno
