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User: christoph golden

  • Name: christoph golden
  • Date of registration: 2024-05-20
  • Был на сайте: 2024-06-04
  • Address:  Texas City
  • +1786590598
  • +12523162273
User christoph golden was registered on the bulletin board 2024-05-20. Last time christoph golden was online on the site 1 month 3 days back. Currently user christoph golden posted 31 ads. This user currently has 46840 views. Seller's contact details: country: United States, city: Texas City, telephone: +1786590598 . You can clarify all the details and contact the user through the Online consultant or through feedback.


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Updated on: 2024-06-04
  • Breed: Papillon dog
  • Male/Female: Male, Female
  • Age: 4 Months 8 days

The chihuahua dog ais a small dog bread with cute little looks.THEY ARE VERY PLAYFUL AND GET ALONG WELL WITH CHILDREN AND OTHER PETS

400.00 $

United States, Texas City

Updated on: 2024-06-04
  • Breed: Beagle
  • Male/Female: Male, Female
  • Age: 4 Months 7 days

This is a small bread dog which is very friendly and are good companion as they get along with children and other pets

300.00 $

United States, Texas City

Updated on: 2024-06-04
  • Breed: Yorkshire Terrier
  • Male/Female: Male, Female
  • Age: 4 Months 8 days

The chihuahua dog ais a small dog bread with cute little looks.THEY ARE VERY PLAYFUL AND GET ALONG WELL WITH CHILDREN AND OTHER PETS

500.00 $

United States, Texas City

Updated on: 2024-06-04
  • Breed: Chihuahua
  • Male/Female: Male, Female
  • Age: 4 Months 7 days

The chihuahua dog ais a small dog bread with cute little looks.THEY ARE VERY PLAYFUL AND GET ALONG WELL WITH CHILDREN AND OTHER PETS

300.00 $

United States, Texas City

Updated on: 2024-06-04
  • Breed: Akita
  • Male/Female: Male, Female
  • Age: 4 Months 8 days

small playful dog bread ,gets along well with other pets and persons

500.00 $

United States, Texas City

Updated on: 2024-06-04
  • Breed: German Shepherd
  • Male/Female: Male, Female
  • Age: 3 Months 7 days

An over protective dog bread and highly intelligent dog bread which can quickly become part of our family

500.00 $

United States, Texas City

Updated on: 2024-06-04
  • Breed: Dobermann
  • Male/Female: Male, Female
  • Age: 3 Months 7 days

The dorbeman dog bread is a large dog with pointy or fallen ears .This dog breads are highly protective and territorial dog bread,they get along with family and children

500.00 $

United States, Texas City

Updated on: 2024-06-04
  • Breed: Yorkshire Terrier
  • Male/Female: Male, Female
  • Age: 4 Months 7 days

This is a small playful dog bread gets well along side children and old age persons ,they are good family companion

400.00 $

United States, Texas City

Updated on: 2024-06-04
  • Breed: American Bulldog
  • Male/Female: Male, Female
  • Age: 4 Months 3 days

musculer athletic dog and extremly protective

500.00 $

United States, Texas City

Updated on: 2024-06-04
  • Breed: Golden Retriever
  • Male/Female: Female
  • Age: 3 Months 29 days

Adorable golden retriever puppies available for adoption and rehoming

500.00 $

United States, Texas City


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