The incessant loud dog barking causes a lot of inconvenience. He is nervous not only the owners, but also the neighbors. If the dog casts his voice for no apparent reason, the pet should try to wean it from this bad habit. And the sooner you do this, the faster you will achieve the result. We will tell you what methods are available for this. But first, let's figure out the reasons why the dog barks.
Barking during the game

During games with a person or relatives, some pets (in particular, choleric temperament) are very excited and from this constantly bark, until the game stops. Thus, the animal expresses joy from what is happening. It is difficult to cope with this feature of the nervous system, therefore, often attempts to persuade the dog to remain silent are unsuccessful.
If you are not lazy and fruitfully engaged in raising a pet, then it will not be out of place to learn a command (for example, "Quietly" or "Silence"), according to which the dog should stop barking. But keep in mind: she does not know the meaning of these words from birth, so your task is to create a situation in which the pet is silent after saying the command, and immediately reinforce this behavior with praise and / or dainty.
However, even an obedient pet can find it difficult to restrain their emotions, so you may have to put up with barking during the game. In order not to disturb the neighbors, play exclusively on the street and away from apartment buildings. So, in a forest, square, field, or on a dog’s playground, your pet will be able to throw out energy and sweep plenty.
Dog barks out of fear

Decorative dogs often bark as a result of an evil-cowardly reaction, that is, from fear. If a pet on the street rushes at relatives passing by and at the same time makes a loud, non-stop barking, it is likely that he will panic because of fright, and not because he wants to show who is in charge.
You must have noticed that such yapping dogs are usually on tight leashes. And this is the biggest mistake of the owners. Pulling the leash, the person exacerbates the situation, because the four-legged friend begins to get even more nervous.
In order for the dog not to be afraid of animals and various unfamiliar objects, it must be properly socialized from early childhood (especially at 4-5 months), gradually accustomed to various circumstances that may arise in life, and allowed to communicate with relatives.
If the pet is constantly protected from other dogs and dangerous situations (for example, from a busy road where cars drive), this will not lead to anything good. After all, a car traveling at great speed can cause not only fear, but also a nervous breakdown.
Teach all external stimuli gradually. First approach a road or an unfamiliar animal from afar. At the same time, keep your pet on a leash, but on a sagging, not tightened. When the dog does not bark and show fear, praise him and give a piece of goodies.
After that, gradually reduce the distance to the frightening object and praise the dog when he is not afraid. If he barks irritably, step back, distract him with your favorite toy or ask him to sit down or lie down (if he knows these commands), and when he calms down, continue the exercise. Praise and feed your pet only when he remains calm.
Loneliness, boredom and anxiety

This reason is closely related to the previous one. Dogs are social creatures, so they do not like to be alone. When all family members go to work or on other matters, the dog begins to bark continuously. Often such barking turns into a howl. To avoid this, it is necessary from the first days of stay in the house to show the animal what the approximate routine of his day will be, that for some time it will be necessary to remain alone in the room.
Inexperienced dog owners after buying a puppy often take a few weeks off to pay attention to it all day long. And then they go to work and wonder why their pet categorically does not want to be alone. Because during this time he has already managed to get used to such a structure: someone constantly plays with him, teaches something, all family members do not leave home at the same time. And now the puppy is worried when the daily routine changes.
Dogs love the rules and do not always quickly get used to their changes. Therefore, from early childhood, the puppy should be left alone at home (at first only for a few minutes and then gradually increase the interval). At the same time, do not forget to provide him with toys so that it is not boring. Otherwise, after returning, you may not recognize your home.
And remember the important rule: do not say goodbye to your pet for a long time, wailing in a compassionate voice that you will be back soon. He does not understand your words, and such an intonation will further alert him, as if you were saying goodbye forever. So you yourself cause him to fear separation.
But the meeting after your return home can be made more emotional, especially if the pet has behaved all this time. So, with the help of joyful greetings and gentle stroking, you praise him for his correct behavior. But if the dog starts to bark for joy, do not iron it at this moment and just freeze, ignore it. Praise only when he calms down and stops giving a voice.
Barking like transferring any information

A dog can bark when it wants to tell you something. For example, that he wants to use the toilet, that water runs out in his bowl, etc. To prevent such an attempt to transfer information into a prolonged bark, you need to learn to understand dogs, read books and useful articles about animal language, and pay more attention to your pet.
But if you do not like it when a dog expresses his wishes with the help of a bark, teach her to designate a request in a different way. For example, if she wants to go outside, she should sit near the door or bring you a leash. You can choose any action that is acceptable to you and back it with praise, a treat, or simply the fulfillment of a desire.
Territory protection

If a dog barks when a stranger approaches your house, this is normal. Many breeds for this purpose and bred. Let the dog vote to notify you, and then give the command "Quietly" when you realize that there is no threat to you and your home. In no case do not shout at the dog to shut up. Your screams will only increase anxiety.
If training does not help, try such a modern tool as the Anti-Collar collar with a spray system (Anti Barking Spray). As soon as the dog barks or wails, a liquid (essential oil) with the smell of lemon or lemongrass (lemon grass) will be sprayed from the collar under the nose. Dogs do not like this sharp citrus aroma, and even loud hissing during spraying is unpleasant for them. Therefore, the dog will immediately be distracted and stop barking.
There are similar collars on sale, but with an electric discharge. Here it is not worth applying them, especially if you have not passed dog training courses. Since this tool in inept hands can seriously aggravate the situation. And keep in mind: trimming or removing the vocal cords is also not an option. This complex operation can provoke inflammatory processes and even lead to the death of the animal from suffocation.
It is much more humane to properly raise a pet, and in severe and neglected cases, turn to an experienced specialist in behavior correction. Then you and your pet will be happy!