Footprints on clothes from dirty paws upset even the most avid dog lover. In order not to spend a fortune on dry cleaning, you need to properly educate the dog so that it does not jump with joy when meeting. First of all, this applies to large animals, because they can not only stain clothes or scratch, but also seriously harm, for example, a small child. How to fix this unwanted behavior?
Why does a dog put paws on people
To adjust the behavior, you first need to figure out why the dog puts his paws on the person. There are several common causes:
Emotional excitement. You probably know how the word “walk” acts on our four-legged friends. Their tails begin to wag at cosmic speed, while the dog itself bounces high, tries to lick your face, runs, and sometimes squeals or barks. When there is no limit to joy, it is difficult to control your behavior. Small decorative doggies and puppies can even urinate.
Feature of temperament. The second reason is closely related to the first. In choleric dogs (for example, the Belgian Shepherd Dog Malinois, many small terriers, Border Collie), excitement prevails over inhibition, therefore, due to the unbalanced temperament, they clearly demonstrate their joy and put their forepaws on the owner when he comes home or is going for a walk . In the same situation, the phlegmatic dog will calmly wait for its owner to get dressed.
Bad habit, which was fixed in childhood. Often the owners are moved when a very small puppy jumps on them, and then they pet him and say that he is good. Through their actions, people encourage this behavior and firmly fix it. As a result, the pet grows up and does the same, but now the owners are not touched, but angry, because it causes discomfort.
Wean the dog to jump on a person

To re-educate a tailed friend, you must gradually show him what behavior during the greeting you consider appropriate and correct. To do this, praise the moment when he behaves calmly and does not put his forepaws on you, but is on the ground or floor with all his limbs.
As soon as the pet jumps, bend the leg at the knee and put it under his stomach, but in no case hit! Silence, ignore the stormy surge of emotions of a four-legged friend, turn your back on him and stand until he stops tearing his limbs off the floor. Even if this process lasts a long time. The main thing in learning to jump on a person is to be patient and wait.
When the dog calms down, sits down, stands or lies next to you, greet him and stroke him. You can squat down to be on the same level with him. So the beast will understand that the owner reciprocates him only when he meets people not too violently. At the same time, it is important that all family members and your friends each time respond in the same way to emotional dog greetings.
Do not scold him for meeting you with leaps. Otherwise, he will form an undesirable relationship: the owner came home - I was delighted with his arrival and ran to say hello - he scolded me. After several such meetings, the pet will cease to rejoice at your return home, or maybe even be afraid and hide in the corner when you cross the threshold.
The dog jumps high before the walk and on time

If the dog becomes too emotional and jumps during the gathering for a walk, show him that you will not lead him to walk until he relaxes. Start dressing and stop every time your pet gets aroused and jumps. Suppose that in the early days such gatherings take a lot of time, but soon you can permanently rid your pet of a bad habit.
If a loving four-legged friend jumps on meeting passers-by, as soon as he pulls the leash towards the person, give the command “Near” and attract attention with a piece of goodies or a toy. Then play a little and continue the path.
Do not deviate from this algorithm and do so until you achieve the desired result - the complete elimination of unwanted behavior in the form of jumps and setting paws. And to curb the nimble choleric, provide him with a sufficient amount of physical and mental stress.