Popular mestizo dogs

There are so many beautiful breeds of dogs, what a variety there is now! When choosing a pet, eyes only run up, it remains only to wish good luck to the guys who decided to have an eared eared. In addition to pure breeds, they now exist, diversifying ordinary breeds, they have found great and won the love of many people around the world.

The most beautiful breeds

Every year this charming creature is gaining more and more popularity, although it causes discontent among many breeders. Maltipu is a cross between a poodle and a lapdog. It is very difficult to withdraw, the cost is appropriate. Basically, they grow dwarf, thereby perfect for an apartment, their height is about 11-36 centimeters. Even breeders cannot resist their cute faces with a combined color. They are distinguished by a special peacefulness and love for children. However, while walking, they can show aggression towards other animals.
The naming was interesting and simple: a Pomeranian with a husky. They are no less popular, thanks to their excellent data they quickly gained popularity, and those who want to have a charming pet in the house are ready for any money. Usually they take their husky color and heterochromia, making them even more unique. Measuring only 25-40 centimeters, Pomski are active and energetic, prone to unpredictability. Differs in love and devotion to only one person.
Who are his parents? They are obtained by merging a poodle and a golden retriever. They can vary greatly in size and weight, as the hybrid has been found to be more unstable. Mostly medium sized goldendoodles. A friendly look and a kind face combined with a chic curly hair. The dog is friendly and sociable, perfect for a home with small children, cases of aggression are extremely small.

Pros and cons of merging different breeds

  Agree, they are incredibly beautiful and unusual to the point that they are even called designer dogs. It was simply necessary to dilute the "clean" ones.
Their behavior is somewhat different from the usual. Mestizos are able to surprise and delight!

Breeding dogs is very difficult. It is really worth making a lot of effort so that the dog can at least bear and give birth to children. In addition, mating is also expensive, often you have to resort to artificial insemination.
There is no guarantee that when the dog grows up, it will come out as you imagined. Often, instead of miniature, large ones grow.
These mating systems are prohibited by all canine systems.

We still think that mestizo dogs are wonderful! Cuties are attracted by the dissimilarity and the usual interest in new things.

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