Why does the puppy hiccup?

Many novice dog breeders can be very frightened when they discover in their pet such a familiar phenomenon for a person as hiccups. Many people don’t even notice her at the dog, because it is not always possible to hear her. However, if you notice such “clicks” behind your baby, you should not immediately panic.

dog Puppy hiccups often: reasons


At its core, a puppy's hiccups are fast diaphragm contractions. The following prerequisites may contribute to its occurrence:


Very fast absorption of food;

Overexcitation from a meeting with the owner, an active game;

Capture of a large amount of air;


Diseases of the nervous system, internal organs.

If your puppy hiccups from time to time and for a short time (a couple of minutes), this should not cause you serious concern. If we are talking about hours of hiccups, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

The fact is that it is short-term “clicks” that are absolutely normal, long-term clicks, as a rule, indicate deeper, internal violations.

breed Puppy hiccups: what to do?

Despite the fact that this condition does not harm the health of the caudate, it is recommended to help him cope with it. To do this, we offer the following:

Like a person, the four-legged is recommended to give a drink of water.

Try to take the baby by the front paws and put on the hind legs. Hold it like that for a couple of seconds. Many owners claim that in most cases, this method helps almost always.

Worms sometimes become a possible cause. If in your case this option is confirmed, deworming will be required.

boal Puppy hiccups after eating

If the pet often starts hiccuping just after the next meal, experts advise trying carefully, gently massage the tummy.


If your pet eats exclusively dry food, try to soak it. Hiccups in puppies often happen because of too hard, dense food.

Such a phenomenon as hiccups in puppies is often nothing more than simple, funny “clicks,” but sometimes it can also become a sign of a more serious disease. In any case, always be attentive to your sweetie so that his health is under your protection!

Екатерина    15 October 2019 - 10:54

Наша так икала. Причем часто. Обычно после еды или если сильно заигрывалась. Сначала испугались...мало ли что. Врач сказал это нормально, особенно у щенят

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