Camellia Blossom
account_circle Personal data
- Name: Надежда
- Date of registration: 2024-07-29
- Был на сайте: 2024-07-29
- Address: Russian Federation, Izhevsk
- Profile: Camellia Blossom 27465
- Pet type: Cat
- Cat breed: British Longhair, British Shorthair
- Регистрация кошек: WCF
- Additional services: Consultation
perm_phone_msg Contacts
- +79511944465
- 8951 194 44 65
- 8951 194 44 65
- Breed: British Shorthair
- Male/Female: Male
- Age: 6 Months 7 days
Purebred British cat. With documents.
Russian Federation, Izhevsk