User: Olena Bass

account_circle Personal data
- Name: Olena Bass
- Date of registration: 2022-10-19
- Был на сайте: 2022-10-19
- Address: Киев
perm_phone_msg Contacts
- +380502947527
- +380502947527
- +380502947527
assignment_ind Additional Information
- Breed: British Shorthair
- Male/Female: Female
- Pedigree: Yes
- Age: 2 Years 6 Months
Date of birth 05/26/2022 Gender girl Father of Andie of Angelica (BRI ns 11 33) Mother of Shaterie Beauty Tsaritsa (BRI ns 11 33) Breed British Shorthair Breed code BRI Color code ns Type code 1133 Color black silver shaded point.
- Breed: British Shorthair
- Male/Female: Female
- Pedigree: Yes
- Age: 2 Years 9 Months
Nickname Blue Rose (Blue Rose)