User: Alashir Turkish Kangals, Galgo and Whippet kennel 12955
account_circle Personal data
- Name: Alashir Galgo and Whippet kennel 12955
- Date of registration: 2022-12-23
- Был на сайте: 2025-01-10
- Address: Киев
- Nursery: Alashir
perm_phone_msg Contacts
- +380638958113
- +380638958113
- irinna538
assignment_ind Additional Information
- Male/Female: Male
- Pedigree: FCI, KSU
- Age: 1 Years 8 Months
We offer whippet puppies, boys, show class, from titled parents with a stable psyche of classic English blood.
- Breed: Anatolian Shepherd
- Male/Female: Male
- Pedigree: FCI, KSU
- Age: 2 Years 4 Months
Purebred Turkish Kangal puppies from titled producers of aboriginal origin, brought from Turkey.