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User: Ольга Говорунова

  • Name: Ольга Говорунова
  • Date of registration: 2018-12-21
  • Был на сайте: 2018-12-21
User Ольга Говорунова was registered on the bulletin board 2018-12-21. Last time Ольга Говорунова was online on the site 5 years 7 months back. Currently user Ольга Говорунова posted 4 ads. This user currently has 206747 views. Seller's contact details: . You can clarify all the details and contact the user through the Online consultant or through feedback.


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Updated on: 2018-12-21
  • Breed: Nebelung
  • Male/Female: Female
  • Age: 8 Years 1 Months

For sale excellent breed cat Nibelung. Without pedigree and titles. There is a wet. passport. All vaccinations recently engrafted.

Price: negotiated

Russian Federation, Novokuznetsk

Updated on: 2018-12-21
  • Pet: Cats
  • Male/Female: Male
  • Breed: Nebelung
  • Presence of a pedigree: Yes
  • Age: 7 Years 3 Months

Good day. We suggest you to get involved with our cat Nibelung. The guy with the pedigree, but so far without titles (this is a matter of time, because his appearance is perfect). Therefore, while cheaper than soon. Good kittens are provided to you.

39.05 $

Russian Federation, Novokuznetsk

Updated on: 2018-12-21
  • Pet: Cats
  • Male/Female: Male
  • Breed: Nebelung
  • Presence of a pedigree: No
  • Age: 7 Years 10 Months

For our girls need a dog. It is desirable with pedigree and titles to improve the quality of the litter.

26.03 $

Russian Federation, Novokuznetsk

Updated on: 2018-12-21
  • Breed: Nebelung
  • Male/Female: Male
  • Age: 5 Years 8 Months

Get yourself a fluffy ball of happiness. This is the smoky fluffy Nibelung. The breed is very noble, beautiful, with good genes. Parents with no pedigree and titles, but kittens can already see that pedigree (like parents)

130.17 $

Russian Federation, Novokuznetsk


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