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User: Ева Танс

  • Name: Eva
  • Date of registration: 2019-06-12
  • Был на сайте: 2019-06-12
  • ROYAL FUZZYPANTS*LT - RAGDOLL cattery - AKITA INU kennel We are officially registered in these feline associations world wide: -WCF -FIFE -FCI NOTE! All health certificates of our pets are done and can be shown as well as titles , blood lines of parents. Pets are sold only with binding agreement ( we are against reselling, pet abuse or illegal breeding)

User Ева Танс was registered on the bulletin board 2019-06-12. Last time Ева Танс was online on the site 5 years 9 months back. Currently user Ева Танс posted 2 ads. This user currently has 107341 views. Seller's contact details: country: Lithuania, . You can clarify all the details and contact the user through the Online consultant or through feedback.


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Updated on: 2019-06-12
  • Breed: Akita
  • Male/Female: Male
  • Age: 6 Years 5 Months

ROYAL FUZZYPANTS akita inu kennel offers beautiful young male. Natural strong red color, no aggression , easily trained (comparing to Akitas) Good blood line . Parents health tested both HIP = A ELBOW = 0 DNA

1129.41 $

Lithuania, Palanga

Updated on: 2019-06-12
  • Breed: Ragdoll
  • Age: 5 Years 11 Months

Beautiful Ragdoll kittens from ROYAL FUZZYPANTS*LT cattery is ready for new home. Colours n03 and n04 ( seal bicolour and seal mitted) Only for HOME! (with serious breeder could be discussed for breeding program, but not in BALTIC countries)

941.18 $

Lithuania, Palanga


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