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User: Matgana

  • Name: Matgana
  • Date of registration: 2023-02-25
  • Был на сайте: 2023-02-25
  • +7 901 547 0083
User Matgana was registered on the bulletin board 2023-02-25. Last time Matgana was online on the site 2 years 2 weeks back. Currently user Matgana posted 1 ads. This user currently has 20048 views. Seller's contact details: country: Spain, telephone: +7 901 547 0083 . You can clarify all the details and contact the user through the Online consultant or through feedback.


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Updated on: 2023-02-28
  • Breed: Pomeranian
  • Male/Female: Female
  • Pedigree: FCI
  • Age: 4 Years 5 Months

Regalo GRATIS a una buena casa una perrita de raza Pomerania. Tiene 2,5 años, se llama Percy, tiene todas sus vacunas. Se lleva bien con niños y gatos, está entrenada para hacer sus necesidades en el baño y come comida seca.

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Spain, Севилья


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