User: Людмила Городницкая
account_circle Personal data
- Name: Людмила Городницкая
- Date of registration: 2019-08-08
- Был на сайте: 2019-08-08
- Address: Геленджик, Запорожская область, Украина
perm_phone_msg Contacts
- 555555555
- 5555555555
- 555555555
assignment_ind Additional Information
- Питомник бенгальских кошек, сервалов и оцикетов в городе Геленджик
- Male/Female: Male, Female
- Age: 5 Years 7 Months
Servalites were born to us - a boy and a girl. Color spotty, bright. Huge bright spots on the ears are a feature of the color of these cats. Kittens are accustomed to hands, very affectionate and funny.
Ukraine, Chervonokazatskoe
Detail- Breed: Ocicat
- Male/Female: Male
- Age: 6 Years 0 Months
In our nursery this guy remained free. Excellent blood and origin. Ocicat is offered only to the most responsible pens! Call, write, come) We will be very happy!
Ukraine, Chervonokazatskoe
Detail- Breed: Bengal cat
- Male/Female: Male
- Pedigree: Yes
- Age: 5 Years 9 Months
In our nursery this guy remained free. Excellent blood and origin. Bengal is offered as a favorite, only to the most responsible pens!
Ukraine, Chervonokazatskoe