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User: ирина

  • Name: Ирина
  • Date of registration: 2019-01-29
  • Был на сайте: 2024-03-19
  • Address:  Кобрин
User ирина was registered on the bulletin board 2019-01-29. Last time ирина was online on the site 4 months 1 week back. Currently user ирина posted 16 ads. This user currently has 389951 views. Seller's contact details: country: Belarus, city: Кобрин, telephone: 375297273949 . You can clarify all the details and contact the user through the Online consultant or through feedback.


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Updated on: 2024-01-13
  • Breed: Bengal cat
  • Age: 3 Years 6 Months

Bengal kittens Bengal, Abyssinian cattery

500.00 $

Belarus, Kobrin

Updated on: 2024-01-13
  • Breed: Abyssinian cat
  • Age: 3 Years 6 Months

Abyssinian kittens Nursery Abyssinian, Bengal cats

500.00 $

Belarus, Kobrin

Updated on: 2024-01-02
  • Breed: Abyssinian cat
  • Age: 2 Years 6 Months

The certified cattery of Abyssinian cats sunnybunny offers Abyssinian kittens of unusual colors.

500.00 $

Belarus, Kobrin

Updated on: 2023-11-14
  • Breed: Abyssinian cat
  • Male/Female: Female
  • Age: 1 Years 6 Months

Certified cattery of Abyssinian cats sunnybunny offers an Abyssinian girl of blue (ash rose) color with unusually warm peach undercoat. Looks unusual. In contrast, it is not inferior to the wild one. Same ticking.

500.00 $

Belarus, Kobrin

Updated on: 2023-10-25
  • Breed: Abyssinian cat
  • Male/Female: Male
  • Age: 2 Years 7 Months

The certified cattery of Abyssinian cats in Belarus offers a purebred Abyssinian boy of blue (ash rose) color with an unusually warm peach undercoat. It looks unusual .. In contrast, it is not inferior to the wild one.

500.00 $

Belarus, Kobrin

Updated on: 2023-10-25
  • Breed: Bengal cat
  • Male/Female: Male
  • Age: 3 Years 1 Months

Sunnybunny Certified Nursery presents the Purebred Bengal Boy with a home-made version of a great jungle cousin. The prints on the donut fur coat are reminiscent of the colors of a real leopard.

1000.00 $

Belarus, Kobrin


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