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User: ирина

  • Name: Ирина
  • Date of registration: 2019-01-29
  • Был на сайте: 2024-03-19
  • Address:  Кобрин
User ирина was registered on the bulletin board 2019-01-29. Last time ирина was online on the site 4 months 1 week back. Currently user ирина posted 16 ads. This user currently has 389951 views. Seller's contact details: country: Belarus, city: Кобрин, telephone: 375297273949 . You can clarify all the details and contact the user through the Online consultant or through feedback.


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Updated on: 2024-01-13
  • Breed: Abyssinian cat
  • Male/Female: Male
  • Age: 1 Years 6 Months

The certified cattery of Abyssinian cats sunnybunny offers as pets an Abyssinian boy of warm fawn color (color of sea sand) --- "clarified" red sorrel. Faun Abyssinians bear some resemblance to lions.

300.00 $

Belarus, Kobrin

Updated on: 2024-01-13
  • Breed: Abyssinian cat
  • Male/Female: Male
  • Age: 1 Years 6 Months

Certified cattery of Abyssinian cats sunnybunny offers a wild-colored Abyssinian boy. A very elegant guy with a beautiful head and body, Strong chin, beautiful eyes, good set of ears, dense rich color.

500.00 $

Belarus, Kobrin

Updated on: 2024-01-13
  • Breed: Abyssinian cat
  • Male/Female: Female
  • Age: 1 Years 6 Months

Certified cattery of Abyssinian cats sunnybunny offers an Abyssinian girl of rare warm fawn color (color of sea sand) --- "clarified" red sorrel. Faun Abyssinians bear some resemblance to lions. Possibility of breeding

500.00 $

Belarus, Kobrin

Updated on: 2024-01-13
  • Breed: Bengal cat
  • Male/Female: Male
  • Age: 1 Years 6 Months

The certified Bengal cattery sunnybunny offers a gorgeous Bengal cat for breeding or pets. Good-natured. Features deep gold saturation, high-quality glitter, and a medium-sized rosette

1000.00 $

Belarus, Kobrin

Updated on: 2024-01-13
  • Breed: Abyssinian cat
  • Male/Female: Male
  • Age: 1 Years 6 Months

The certified cattery of Abyssinian cats in Belarus offers a purebred Abyssinian boy of blue (ash rose) color with an unusually warm peach undercoat. Looks unusual. In contrast, it is not inferior to the wild one.

500.00 $

Belarus, Kobrin

Updated on: 2024-01-13
  • Breed: Abyssinian cat
  • Male/Female: Female
  • Age: 1 Years 6 Months

Certified cattery of Abyssinian cats sunnybunny offers an Abyssinian girl of rich color sorrel. The price is due to a slight health defect. Details in personal communication.

150.00 $

Belarus, Kobrin

Updated on: 2024-01-13
  • Breed: Bengal cat
  • Male/Female: Male
  • Age: 1 Years 6 Months

The certified cattery of Abyssinian cats sunnybunny offers a bengal cat of rosette color on gold for a conditional price, as a guarantee of a responsible attitude in connection with the end of the productive period.

50.00 $

Belarus, Kobrin

Updated on: 2024-01-13
  • Breed: Abyssinian cat
  • Male/Female: Female
  • Age: 8 Months 30 days

Abyssinian kitten boy, blue color

500.00 $

Belarus, Kobrin

Updated on: 2024-01-13
  • Pet: Cats
  • Male/Female: Male
  • Breed: Bengal cat
  • Age: 5 Years 6 Months

Knitting Bengal cats Kennel Bengal cats

500.00 $

Belarus, Kobrin

Updated on: 2024-01-13
  • Pet: Cats
  • Male/Female: Male
  • Breed: Abyssinian cat
  • Age: 5 Years 6 Months

Knitting Abyssinian cats Nursery Abyssinian cats

250.00 $

Belarus, Kobrin


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