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User: Реклама Рекламная

  • Name: Реклама Рекламная
  • Date of registration: 2024-03-29
  • Был на сайте: 2024-12-21
  • +375296105534
  • +375296105534
User Реклама Рекламная was registered on the bulletin board 2024-03-29. Last time Реклама Рекламная was online on the site 1 day 3 hours back. Currently user Реклама Рекламная posted 49 ads. This user currently has 238451 views. Seller's contact details: country: Belarus, telephone: +375296105534 . You can clarify all the details and contact the user through the Online consultant or through feedback.


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Updated on: 2024-12-21
  • Male/Female: Male
  • Age: 4 Years 9 Months

Cornflower is very beautiful. He is friends with other cats. Vasily is 4 years old, he is healthy, neutered, groomed, his tray is excellent. The cat is looking for her person to make him happy. I can help with delivery. Minsk and Minsk region.

Is free

Belarus, Minsk

Updated on: 2024-12-21
  • Male/Female: Female
  • Age: 4 Years 8 Months

The paw is about 4 years old, she is healthy, sterilized, treated, eats dry food, the tray is excellent. Gets along with other cats. The kitty really wants her own cozy home, happiness, gentle hands and loving hearts. I can help with delivery. Minsk and Minsk region

Is free

Belarus, Minsk

Updated on: 2024-12-21
  • Male/Female: Male
  • Age: 2 Years 8 Months

Ben is 2 years old. The cat is playful, intelligent and quick-witted, he is simply very clever, without bad cat habits, neat and clean. Benya is neutered and vaccinated. Minsk and Minsk region, we will deliver.

Is free

Belarus, Minsk

Updated on: 2024-12-21
  • Male/Female: Female
  • Age: 2 Years 8 Months

Goldie is 2 years old, she is healthy, sterilized, vaccinated, treated, trained to use a tray. He loves company, loves hugs, scratches, and purrs like a mini-tractor. Minsk and Minsk region, we will deliver.

Is free

Belarus, Minsk

Updated on: 2024-12-21
  • Male/Female: Female
  • Age: 3 Years 8 Months

Zlata is 3 years old, she is healthy, sterilized, vaccinated, treated, litter trained, and behaves decently at home. The cat is calm and affectionate. Gets along well with his relatives. Minsk and Minsk region, we will deliver.

Is free

Belarus, Minsk

Updated on: 2024-12-21
  • Breed: Non-pedigree Dogs
  • Male/Female: Female
  • Age: 2 Years 7 Months

Lilo's mother was shot with poisonous bullets when she was pregnant. Lilo had epilepsy before, but now it is completely gone. Emergency unforeseen circumstances occurred at the foster home, and the dog needs to be picked up urgently! Urgently need a home!

Is free

Belarus, Minsk

Updated on: 2024-12-21
  • Breed: Non-pedigree Dogs
  • Male/Female: Female
  • Age: 3 Years 7 Months

Lexi was found 2 years ago, heavily pregnant. It turned out that the dog was shot with poison bullets. She was also sick with piroplasmosis. And now emergency unforeseen circumstances have occurred at the foster home, and Lexi needs to be picked up urgently!

Is free

Belarus, Minsk

Updated on: 2024-12-21
  • Breed: Non-pedigree Dogs
  • Male/Female: Male
  • Age: 2 Years 7 Months

Stitch the dog is 2 years old. Healthy, neutered, vaccinated, treated, trained to walk, loves people. There were some emergency circumstances at the foster home, and the dog needs to be picked up urgently! And there is nowhere to take it. Urgently need a home!

Is free

Belarus, Minsk

Updated on: 2024-12-21
  • Male/Female: Male, Female
  • Age: 4 Years 6 Months

The owner is leaving abroad. He gave the three cats a few days to adopt. Then he is going to take it to the catchment if no other options are found. The cats are absolutely domestic. They are all very affectionate, playful, and love people. Healthy, sterilized.

Is free

Belarus, Minsk

Updated on: 2024-12-21
  • Breed: Non-pedigree Dogs
  • Male/Female: Male
  • Age: 4 Years 7 Months

The dog Forto is friendly with his relatives, cats, and children. Neutered, vaccinated, microchipped, treated. Trained to walk, walks on a leash. He is about 4 years old, 55 cm at the withers. Forto is handsome, smart and easy to train.

Is free

Belarus, Minsk


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