User: Татьяна
![id: 2865](/images/noavatar.png)
account_circle Personal data
- Name: Татьяна
- Date of registration: 2020-01-29
- Был на сайте: 2020-02-20
perm_phone_msg Contacts
- 89213605369
- 89967854290
assignment_ind Additional Information
- Breed: Maine Coon
- Male/Female: Female
- Age: 5 Years 2 Months
Girl. Date of birth 3.12.19. Mom Barbara Gallardo, Dad Ch.Yalta Lynx Marrs. Famous Polish nurseries in the pedigree.
- Breed: Maine Coon
- Male/Female: Male
- Age: 5 Years 2 Months
Boy. Maine Coon. Date of birth 3.12.19. Very large, pedigree guy. Mom Barbara Gallardo, Dad Ch.Yalta Lynx Marrs. Famous Polish nurseries in the pedigree. WCF documents.