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User: Emma

  • Name: Emma
  • Date of registration: 2025-03-16
  • Был на сайте: 2025-03-17
  • Address:  Mâcon, France, 58 Allée Jean-Louis Barrault, 71000 Mâcon
  • +33 7 56 95 56 47
  • +33 7 56 95 56 47
  • +33 977 219 149
User Emma was registered on the bulletin board 2025-03-16. Last time Emma was online on the site 1 day 15 hours back. Currently user Emma posted 1 ads. This user currently has 375 views. Seller's contact details: country: France, city: Mâcon, France, telephone: +33 7 56 95 56 47 . You can clarify all the details and contact the user through the Online consultant or through feedback.


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Updated on: 2025-03-16
  • Breed: Yorkshire Terrier
  • Male/Female: Male, Female
  • Pedigree: LOF
  • Age: 2 Months 15 days

Hello everyone. We are looking for a family who loves animals to who we can entrust the adoption of our adorable Yorkshire aged 15 weeks. They are vaccinated and raised with family with children and among other cats. THANKS

Is free

France, Clermont-Ferrand


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