User: Анжелика Неведомская
account_circle Personal data
- Name: Анжела
- Date of registration: 2019-03-22
- Был на сайте: 2019-03-22
- Address: Минск
perm_phone_msg Contacts
- 375298614712
- 375298614712
assignment_ind Additional Information
- Registration for petshow: Yes
- Show in the regions: Yes
- Pet Career: Yes
- Handler-Diplom: Yes
- Consultation: Yes
I offer the services of a handler in Minsk! Experience over 12 years!
Belarus, Minsk
Detail- Pet: Dogs, Cats
- Online communication: Yes
- Pet Overexposure: Yes
- Veterinary assistance: Yes
Good day, my name is Angela. I want to offer you my care services for your pets! If you need to go on vacation or a business trip or you started a repair in the apartment and there is no one to look after your pet!
Belarus, Minsk