User: Ольга Пивторак

account_circle Personal data
- Name: 8916 724 85 25
- Date of registration: 2019-04-08
- Был на сайте: 2019-04-08
- Address: Москва
perm_phone_msg Contacts
- 8916 724 85 25
assignment_ind Additional Information
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Male/Female: Female
- Pedigree: RKF
- Age: 6 Years 3 Months
Affectionate and fun. Find a common language with all households and give a lot of happiness. Become a friend and family member. It has a brand, puppy metric and vet passport with vaccinations. You can walk. Girl 4 months. Born from the first club planned mating 29.11.