How to wean cat to shit: effective ways to eliminate problems

Of course, nobody likes when a cat shits at home on a bed, sofa, in flowers, in the corners, in the bathroom or on the carpet. There are several reasons for this unwanted behavior. Therefore, first you need to figure out why the cat is crap, for example, on the bed, and not in a specially designated tray for this. And then look for a way out of the situation.


Reason 1: cat disease

If suddenly the cat began to spoil anywhere, the first thing to check is her health. Pay special attention to the digestive system and urinary system. This is a common problem with sterilized and neutered animals.

It is possible that the cat was pained to write, so the tray began to be associated with pain. And now the pet is looking for another place. Or the disease caused incontinence, so the "puddles" remain everywhere. You can’t solve this difficulty on your own, you need to contact a veterinarian.

Reason 2: the cat toilet is not properly organized

cat toilet

If your favorite from the first days of staying at home refuses to go to the tray, then perhaps he is just uncomfortable there. May not be suitable:

shape and size (high sides create an obstacle, or the cat does not fit in a small object for him);

filler (picks may refuse to defecate, for example, in silica gel filler. Try replacing it with wood pellets - it is likely that the problem itself will be resolved. In addition, do not forget to regularly change the filler so that a pungent smell does not cause hostility in a furry friend);

the location of the cat’s toilet (keep in mind that animals prefer secluded places where no one bothers. And anything can frighten them: from the recently appeared noisy washing machine next to the tray to the banal change in the aroma of an air freshener).

Some objects in the house look like a tray, then there is a risk that the animal will simply mix up. This often happens with flower pots, especially rectangular and square shapes. To discourage the cat from spoiling flowers, remove the flowerpot away (for example, on the top shelf or refrigerator) or lay on the soil surface a lot of decorative glass stones. It is inconvenient to dig into them - this should push away.

Reason 3: problems in behavior

Often there is such a situation: the owner scolds the cat for "puddles" left on the bed, pokes his face in the face, and he continues to do this even more often. The solution to the problem suggests itself: you can’t scold so much. But many owners do not understand this.


This behavior indicates that the pet is stressed and fears a person. Felinologists claim that the cat is crap on the bed when it is not able to exchange a smell with one of the people. It is this ritual that our four-legged friends do when they rub their face on us. Therefore, start solving behavioral problems by making the right contact.

In addition, holding force in a tray with the intention of showing a place for defecation will also not lead to anything good. Fear and stress will only aggravate the situation.

Reason 4: the cat leaves marks

In non-castrated animals, the so-called sexual hunt may begin. Due to the presence in the marks of pheromones, attracting individuals of the opposite sex, the smell of urine becomes unbearable. Therefore, the most effective solution is castration.

Cats also strive to realize the natural instinct of reproduction, so they often mark in the apartment. Then they must either be sterilized, or mated periodically, or during estrus (during periods of strong desire for the opposite sex) to give hormonal drops (Gestrenol, Stop-Intim, etc.).

What to do if a cat spoils - useful tips

Animals often defecate in the same place because they feel the aroma left there earlier. Therefore, first of all, it needs to be withdrawn, and then equip the most comfortable toilet.

Get rid of the smell left in the wrong places. Use special preparations that destroy strong odors. So, in pet stores selling various sprays that perform this function. You can also use folk remedies that help to wean a cat out of shit, but do not try to interrupt the smell of urine with vinegar: it will only strengthen it. For a better effect, after a thorough cleaning, spread the zest of an orange or sprinkle a little pepper.

Cover the floor with discomfort items. If eliminating the odor does not help, cover the floor with material that makes the cat uncomfortable to step on. A rustling foil, any adhesive tape or double-sided tape will do just fine with this role. Of course, in the case of a bed, this method will not help, but it will completely discourage the mustachioed prankster from the corners of the apartment and the bathroom.

Put a bowl of food in the place where the cat used to go to the toilet. Representatives of the cat family are very clean, so they will not defecate where they eat.

Saturate the place with a cat smell. These animals have a good scent. And they do not leave puddles and heaps where their own body aroma is present. With a clean cloth, rub the face, neck, head and entire body of the cat, and then the places from which you want to ward off the pet.

Remember: applying physical force, poking excrement and scolding will not help. Stress and fear will have the opposite effect. It is better to surround the pet with care and affection, monitor its health and do not be lazy to change the filler in the tray in time.

Наталья Шустова    19 November 2019 - 15:57

Я слышала, что бываю такие зоопсихологи, которые могут с помощью рассказа хозяев кошки  определить психологическую причину  такой ситуации и найти правильное решение для коррекции поведени кошки, если, кончно, это не медицинская проблема.  

Софья Лаговская 7669    7 July 2021 - 15:57

Да..Перечитала много статей в интернете, искала объяснение того, что кошечка постоянно гадит. Ничего не помогало кроме вопроса с поведением. Спасибо за статью!

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