Frequent Cat Disease: Symptoms and Treatment

Symptoms of cat diseases can be common. So, lethargy, or, conversely, aggressiveness, an increase in body temperature (above 39 ° C), redness of the skin, loss of appetite, and digestive tract disorders are often observed. It is difficult to determine the ailment by these signs, but they are an occasion for contacting a veterinarian. Currently, cats most often have diseases of the eyes, skin, kidneys and other internal organs. We will talk about them.

Kidney Disease in Cats

The most common is urolithiasis (ICD), or urolithiasis (urolithiasis), which is more common in neutered cats. The urinary tract suffers. It is painful for the animal to go to the toilet; blood is often present in the urine. The main cause of urolithiasis is a violation of protein and mineral metabolism. Therefore, the main factors that provoke the ailment are:

improper (unbalanced) nutrition with insufficient water;

physical inactivity;

previous infections;



Without the help of a veterinarian, treatment of the ICD will not be effective. To determine the stage, you will need to do an ultrasound and x-ray. In advanced cases, urinary tract patency is restored and stones are removed surgically. In addition, it is important to adjust the diet. Usually, a doctor prescribes a special diet food.

Cat eye disease

With eye diseases in cats, the following symptoms appear:

redness of the eyeballs and eyelids;

swelling and discharge;

clouding of the lens;

dilated pupil and poor response to lighting.

cat eyes

Any of these signs becomes the reason to bring the pet to the veterinary ophthalmologist. If normal conjunctivitis is found in the animal, then antibacterial drops will help to cope with the disease. But with glaucoma or cataract, a more serious treatment will be needed.

Cat Diseases

The most common disease is otodectosis (otodectosis). We described it in detail in the article “Ear Mite: Symptoms and Treatment”.


The second most common is otitis media. This is an inflammation of the outer, middle or inner ear. At the same time, sulfur accumulates in the auricles, sometimes blood oozes, the pet often shakes its head and avoids touching the ear.

Otitis is treated with antibiotics. Also, to clear the ear canal, it is necessary to regularly clean the ears of accumulated sulfur with a hygienic lotion.

Cat skin diseases


The most common are lichen and dermatitis of various species. We already wrote about them. In addition, some skin diseases can be caused by external parasites: fleas, lice, ticks, and lice eaters. In their habitats, the pet is very itchy and thereby tears his skin. Insecticidal preparations (collar, drops on the withers, spray, tablet) will help get rid of “uninvited guests”.

If you yourself find it difficult to recognize a skin ailment, visit a veterinarian-dermatologist.

Diseases of the internal organs

Often the liver suffers: hepatitis, liver failure, lipidosis, etc. develop. The organ enlarges (this can be recognized by feeling the body), the general condition worsens. There are many reasons for this: from improper feeding to poisoning with strong poisons. In any case, one cannot do without the qualified help of a specialist (therapist and gastroenterologist).

The main heart disease is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. In simple words - an increase in the wall of the ventricle. The breathing is disturbed in the pet, shortness of breath occurs. To alleviate the condition, supportive therapy and a cardiologist's consultation are needed.

Gastrointestinal tract diseases are also not uncommon. They are difficult to distinguish from ordinary poisoning, so if your health does not improve within 2-3 days, go to a cardiologist.

Oncology in cats


As among humans, oncological diseases are more and more common in animals today. You need to think about a visit to a veterinary oncologist when you find any (even very small) swelling and sores. Oncology may also be accompanied by general symptoms.

Only a doctor can diagnose an ailment. In malignant neoplasms, surgical removal of the tumor and a course of chemotherapy are indicated.

To protect your four-legged friend from these and other misfortunes, pay close attention to the prevention of cat diseases. Do not forget about regular nutrition, necessary care procedures (ear cleaning, combing of hair) and, of course, annual preventive examinations and vaccinations. Timely vaccinations will protect your pet from dangerous viral diseases.

Varna    7 February 2019 - 11:46

Внимательнее к своим питомцам надо быть, или кошка или собака.. всегда есть первые звоночки, как только сомнения идти  к ветеринару, а самолечение доводит до гибели(

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