Proper feeding of cats: norms and necessary products

High-quality and balanced nutrition is the key to the health of a pet. If he does not receive any important elements, then this is reflected both in appearance and in behavior. The advice of veterinarians, experienced breeders and felinologists presented in the material will help you understand the proper diet of cats.

boal Dry-fed cat

This is the most convenient option for busy owners, because thanks to this, you can significantly save time spent on cooking. It is enough to pour the right amount of granules into a bowl (on average 250-300 g per day). Such food will already be balanced, that is, the proportion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is correctly observed, important vitamins and minerals are present.

Suhoy korn

However, owners often ask themselves: what food is better to feed a cat? We will not advise specific brands, we only pay attention to the fact that this product should be premium or super premium. And what kind of taste is more like your mustachioed friend, you will understand by its behavior. The most budgetary feeds do not bring much benefit (they are much poorer in composition), so it is better not to use them.

And to encourage a pet for proper behavior, various goodies (pillows, meat sausages) are good.

cat Natural feeding cats

If you do not trust industrial feeds, give your pet normal food. But it should not be leftovers from the table! Feeding cats with natural food is carried out according to strict rules. It is important to consider what can and cannot be fed to an animal.


Products that must be present in the diet:

boiled chicken without bones and skin;

low-fat beef without bones and veins;

turkey and rabbit meat;

by-products (kidneys, scar);

boiled fish (cod, halibut) - it is better to give preference to less fatty marine species;

raw and boiled vegetables (cabbage, carrot, turnip, pumpkin, zucchini);

cereals (buckwheat, rice, hercules);

eggs (chickens and quail);

cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat content (not more than 8%);

sour cream (not more than 10% fat content);

kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt without additives.

greens (spinach, salad).

Prohibited Products:


roast potatoes;

any pickles and marinades;

baking and any sweets (pie, cookies, chocolate, sweets, cake) - after all, the enzymes present in the animal’s body do not break down sugar well, moreover, in such quantities;

sausage and sausages, smoked meat - they have a lot of salt.

breed Mixed Feeding Cats

Veterinarians do not recommend combining natural food and industrial feed, as this often leads to an upset gastrointestinal tract. This is due to the fact that two types of products are digested at different rates and by unequal enzymes. Although this largely depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

If the condition of your pet does not worsen, then it is not forbidden to adhere to mixed feeding, but in this case it is important to correctly observe the norm and not feed the four-legged friend.

How many times a day to feed a cat

Adult animals have enough full two meals a day, and kittens are treated 4-5 times a day. Feeding time for cats depends on your lifestyle. Try to arrange the most equal intervals between meals.

list Important Tips on Cat Eating

Castrated and sterilized individuals are given less high-calorie foods, so ready-made diet food is more suitable for them. This is important for the prevention of obesity.

Meat and poultry should make up ¾ part, and ¼ - everything else (for example, a mixture of vegetables and cereal).

Changing the feed is very stressful, so proceed gradually: during the week mix the new to the old, increasing the amount of the first.

Always keep clean and fresh water free of charge.

Let's get some grass. You can sprout oats and wheat on your own.

Feed boiled meat and fish to avoid infection with helminths.

Compliance with these rules will help to avoid digestive problems, prevent common diseases of internal organs and make your pet happier. After all, health is above all!

konsolpolish    11 January 2019 - 10:30

Danke für den Artikel, jetzt weiß ich, was ich fütternden Kunden empfehlen sollte!

AleksiyaBritish    12 February 2019 - 12:08

Чем дольше кушаем сухой корм, тем больше я начиная понимать что никакой корм не подойдет лучше, чем натуральный. Уже все перепробывала, вплоть до Аканы.. То жуткая аллергия, то стул, то дерматит( Какая то беда с кормлением.

Larisa    7 October 2019 - 11:10

Я тоже за натуральный. Нет алергии и хороший стул, да и кошка всегда в настроении.

Елена    11 October 2019 - 14:03

Лучший корм для хищника - мясо и субпродукты. А кошка хищник.

Sofia Zlatorukova 3714    14 April 2020 - 14:15

Я больше за смешанное питание для кошек. Даю своим и сухой, и влажный корм, который покупаю в интернет-магазине, а иногда еще и мясо с кашами даю. Так меньше риск заработать мочекаменную болезнь у них! Главное, корм с хорошим составом тоже выбирать.

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