Playing with a puppy is not only a fun pastime, but a prerequisite for establishing contact and trusting relationships with the owner. We will tell you how to teach your dog how to play with various toys.
The benefits and importance of playing with a puppy

You probably know how puppies behave with people and their relatives. And those and other little pranksters all the time strive to trap, catch, bite by limbs and pull for them. Some people mistakenly believe that if a puppy often bites people and growls at the same time, then it will necessarily grow aggressive. In this case, a growl is not a manifestation of anger, but a demonstration of excitement and an excited state. For the animal to develop correctly, he needs to play.
During the game, the puppy develops jaws, stimulates the growth and change of teeth. Thanks to this, it develops better physically. The level of intelligence also does not stand still, because many games require being smart, master new skills and consolidate already learned teams.
In addition, there is increasing interest not only in the gaming activity itself, but also in the person. And this is the first and most important step towards establishing the right relationship between the pet and the owner.
How to teach a dog to play

If you purchased a puppy from a responsible breeder, who devoted enough time to socializing little four-legged friends, you will most likely not have difficulties learning to play with toys. But if an adult pet you’ve never played with comes into your home, you’ll have to work hard to teach the dog how to play.
Please note: there are no dogs who do not know how or do not like to play. There are only those who are not sufficiently interested. Therefore, your main task is to attract the puppy's attention (for example, pronounce his nickname) and “revive” the static toy: put it on the ground and push it with your palm, move the dog back and forth in front of the face or just throw it about a meter away. Each representative of the canine world is a hunter by nature, so instinctively wants to grab a moving object.
As soon as the pet takes it in its mouth, vigorously praise, stroke the withers. If at the first stage the dog does not dare to take the aporting item, praise that she at least just sniffed it, and again repeat the manipulations with the “revival”.
Any dog should bring any aportable item to the owner and give it away (ideally, right in the hands, but you can let him drop it to the ground at your feet). After which the game resumes again.
Many inexperienced owners note that tailed animals catch a ball, but then do not want to give it back. So that the effectiveness and usefulness of the game does not decrease, the pet needs to be trained in the “Give” team. The development of this skill takes place according to this principle: as soon as the dog after the word "Give" releases the ball from its mouth, we praise it.
Secrets of the right game with a dog

If the dog does not spit out the ball under any pretext, in no case pull it out of its mouth. Firstly, a dog can accidentally scratch your teeth, and secondly, this game will turn into tugs for him, and he will pick up the ball even more. To pick up a toy, try exchanging it for another item or for a piece of goodies.
To keep your dog interested in the game of tugs, let her win as often as possible. Then the excitement does not disappear.
Our four-legged friends are children who do not grow up, and with age they do not stop playing. Try to find time for the game and do not spare money on balls.
All toys, except for special "rattles", in your absence, put away in the closet or on the top shelf, where the dog can not get. So you extend the life of the balls and protect the health of the pet. Plus, when the dog does not play alone, namely with the owner, he becomes even more attached to him.
Do not be lazy to arrange long walks and try to find time for exciting and fun joint games. Having motivated your pet for such fun, you can achieve perfect mutual understanding.