It is a myth that dogs are rarely washed. Four-legged friends living in a house or apartment need regular brushing. And it’s not enough just to wipe it with a damp cloth and comb it. Many even wonder whether it is possible to wash the dog with shampoo. Of course you can, but only the right one!
Dog Wash
It is very important to choose the right product for washing the dog, in particular shampoo that will not dry sensitive skin and make the coat soft. In no case should you use a human shampoo, even if it costs a lot of money and promises to make your hair silky.
Detergents for humans contain substances that are too aggressive for the skin of an animal. Their use can lead to peeling and the appearance of an allergic reaction on the body.
For pets, it is recommended to use exclusively zoo shampoo. Pet shops and veterinary pharmacies have a wide range of hygiene products that you can pick up even for a certain type and shade of coat.
High-quality shampoo is usually not cheap, but, as practice shows, it foams well, so it is spent very economically. And given that we do not bathe animals every day, the bottle lasts for at least a few months (for a large dog), and for a small one even longer.
If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a special shampoo, your four-legged friend can be washed with baby soap (preferably with a cream). But the usual toilet and household use is not worth it. These funds dry the skin of the beast.
How often to bathe a dog

To the question, how many times do dogs bathe, there is no definite and clear answer. It is more correct to say that the pet should be washed as necessary.
Some inexperienced owners, having read in old books on dog breeding that the “bathing day” should be no more than twice a year, thoughtlessly follow this advice. Although they notice that it would not hurt to wash the pet for a long time. So no need to wait such a long time! Regular water treatments do no harm.
However, the average frequency of bathing is still there. It depends on the type of content of the caudate friend.
The animals living in the apartment are bathed every 3-4 weeks. At the same time, paws are washed after each walk. If the pet is very dirty, the bathing day is allowed to be arranged out of schedule. And if it looks clean and does not exhale an unpleasant odor, then water procedures can be carried out, for example, every two months.
A dog that lives on the street in an aviary is washed less often (2-4 times a year and only in the warm season) for several reasons:
A wet pet located on the street may become ill due to hypothermia, which leads to a decrease in immunity;
When bathing, sebum is removed from the body of the animal, which protects the body from aggressive environmental influences. At home, this protective layer is not so important, so frequent baths will not harm health.
As you can see, a properly selected hygiene product will not cause any harm to the dog, even with fairly frequent use. And if he refuses water procedures because of fear or hostility, then first of all read our material on how to teach a dog to wash.