Animal care articles

PetGlobal's platform posts articles for the care of animals. They will help you learn how to properly keep a pet, bathe a dog, choose a groomer and much more.

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7 major mistakes in caring for a dog

7 major mistakes in caring for a dog

Check whether you know how to properly care for your domestic dog and whether you are making these common mistakes.

Bathing cats

Bathing cats

Bathing cats is a stressful event for both purrs and the owner. Let's figure out together how to bathe a kitten and an older cat without nerves.

Dog tangles: an easy and quick way to untangle (LIFE HACK!)

Dog tangles: an easy and quick way to untangle (LIFE HACK!)

Tired of the hated dog's tangles? We offer you a very simple and painless way to detangle them with a couple of combs and hair conditioner!

Groomer: who is it?

Groomer: who is it?

You don't know what is this modern profession? We are talking about the services of groomer.

How often and by what means to bathe the dog in the bathroom

How often and by what means to bathe the dog in the bathroom

Your pet has not bathed for a long time, but are you afraid of hurting him too often and with the wrong wash? We will tell you how often and how to wash the dog.

Proper grooming of dogs of different breeds

Proper grooming of dogs of different breeds

Do you want your pet's coat to always remain beautiful and flawless? We tell how to care for the dog's coat.