Bathing cats

In this article, we will talk with you about how to properly carry out the bathing procedure for you and your tailed friend. Despite the fact that by their nature they are very clean, neat and do their own cleaning perfectly, sometimes it is still worth resorting to water procedures for a deeper cleaning of the coat.

How to bathe a kitten?


In order for a four-legged man not to be afraid of water at a more mature age, he should begin to teach him to it from childhood.

Few people know how to bathe a kitten so that he does not develop persistent aggression towards the very appearance of the bathroom. To do this, we will try to give you some useful tips.

Prefer the sink rather than the bathroom. The latter has too large parameters for a relatively fragile baby. He can easily be frightened and henceforth strive to jump out of it.

To prevent your pet from slipping and falling, cover the surface with a non-slip rug or a simple towel. So, the pet will stand more confidently and will avoid the risk of falling, possible injuries.

Be especially careful when preparing your bathroom. It should have warm, comfortable air, no drafts.

Before bathing the kitten, comb it slightly, untangle the tassels, if any.

The optimum water temperature for the baby is 38-40 degrees.

Soak your pet gradually, avoiding the head area. Do not direct too strong jets at it and leave water on for a long time. She can scare the young neat.

Do not use human or dog shampoos for cleansing. They contain components other than feline that can provoke an allergic reaction.

Remove the foam from the surface of the body with a comb, and then proceed to rinse off the shampoo. Do not hurry! Rinse each area thoroughly.

Finish off the procedure by gently wiping the baby. Dry, he is able to lick himself and himself. As a rule, only thoroughbred long-haired representatives are dried with a hairdryer.

At what age do kittens bathe?

Of course, the little four-legged is not a frequent guest in the bathroom. Usually they resort to serious washing in case of problems with the skin, parasites or with severe contamination.

Up to 4 months baby dolls are washed by a young mom. If you urgently need to resort to such a procedure, try not to start it earlier than the noted age.

Cat bathing

bengal cat

In general, the cleansing of babies and adult animals is not much different from each other. At least in terms of technology. However, there are only nuances in the fact that bathing the cat can significantly tickle the nerves of the owner. If a pet has never washed since childhood and does not know what water and a bath are, be prepared for his screams, attempts to escape, scratches on your body.

Advice! Wear protective rubber gloves to protect your hands from bites and scratches.

How often to bathe cats?

Unlike dogs, purrs are extremely rare guests in the bathroom. As a rule, if they do not go out at all, but live only in a city apartment, they can be washed about once every 3-4 months. If walks are natural for him, the gap increases to about six months. This is done in order to protect the natural protective barrier of the caudate.

As you can see, too often bathing cats is definitely not worth it.

Cat bathing temperature

As mentioned above, the temperature of bathing cats is an important aspect of its comfort, health. In kittens, it should be slightly higher than that of an adult, but as a whole it fluctuates within ± 38 degrees.

Remark! Despite this, pay attention to the behavior of your particular pet. One will feel better in a cooler environment, while the other needs hotter water. All individually!

Cat after swimming

The worst, as they say, is behind, it remains only to dry the pet and let it calm down and return to the usual way of life.

The cat after bathing is somewhat excited, so often call his name, praise, say how well done he is, that he dealt with everything.

Dampen the coat with a soft towel to remove most of the water. Never rub the hair. So, she easily gets entangled in tangles and it will be difficult to comb her.

If your four-legged is the owner of a chic, thick coat, help him dry with a hairdryer.

Bathing a cat, a kitten is a very important event. The outcome depends on how you help your pet fight stress. In any case, be near and cheer the tail with an affectionate word.

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