Cat Births: Stages, Possible Complications, and Postpartum Care

Kittens are born 60-70 days after pregnancy. Often this process goes smoothly, but it will not be superfluous to know how to give birth to a cat at home, so that in case of complications it will competently help. And for this you need to understand how childbirth begins and what stages are distinguished in them.

cat Signs of childbirth in a cat

About a few days before the birth, the cat searches for a secluded place: he climbs into the closet and tramples his clothes there, climbs under the bed or in the boxes. Arrange such a place yourself to help. To do this, use a special house, a carrying bag with hard walls or a box with disposable diapers.

Such a "nest" should be comfortable and quite spacious. Place it in a quiet corner of the house, where there is no bright lighting, too dry air (for example, from a heater) and drafts.

1-2 days before the start of the process, the animal may appear milk. But this symptom is not observed at all. Often the mammary glands simply swell.

Many cat moms prefer to give birth on their own and away from prying eyes. Therefore, at the beginning of the process, leave it in the den, do not impose yourself, but periodically check it out.


list Duration and main stages of childbirth in a cat

It is impossible to say exactly how long the birth of a cat lasts. It depends on many factors (health status, number of cubs, etc.). Typically, the duration is from several hours to 1.5 days. If the animal cannot be born for 30 hours or more, take it to the veterinary clinic. You may need to have a cesarean section.

If you yourself are taking birth at home, then pay attention to the following steps:

A person may not even notice this stage, since the physiological process takes place inside the body. There is a gradual opening of the cervix, the uterus itself contracts (contractions ensue). It lasts from a few hours to a day. Often the animal is anxious, meows, breathes heavily, cannot find a place for itself, scratches the litter.

The uterus contracts more often, the pet pushes and pushes the kittens. Do not panic if more than an hour passes between the birth of the cubs. This is normal. But if the animal is pushing for several hours and cannot give birth to the first kitten, call the veterinarian or go to the vet clinic.

Membrane exit with placenta. With a successful outcome, the so-called placenta leaves after each kitten and is often eaten by a feline mother. In addition, she bites an amniotic sac, an umbilical cord and licks her children. Usually there is no break between the second and third stages, the process proceeds quickly.

If the cubs are born too quickly, help clean them. Gently tear the shell as soon as possible, wipe the baby's face with a clean and dampened towel. Pay special attention to the nose and mouth so that the newborn breathes.

tablets Possible complications during childbirth and after them

Malfunctions occur in the process for various reasons: due to a large fetus, rupture or atony of the uterus, etc. Without a specialized education, you are unlikely to be able to establish the cause yourself and eliminate the complications. To prevent harm, consult your veterinarian.

Also a reason for a trip to the veterinary clinic will serve:

purulent and / or blood discharge in a cat after childbirth, lasting more than 2-3 days;

increase in body temperature (more than 39 ° C);

vomiting, diarrhea, refusal of food;

lethargy, depression of consciousness, depression;

severe swelling of the mammary glands.

care Caring for a cat after childbirth

After the birth of the last baby, change the diaper in the house. Ensure complete peace (exclude any stressful situations) and access to fresh and clean water.

Offer mom good and tasty food. But if she refuses food, do not force to eat. The first time is enough to drink. If the appetite does not appear after a day, then consult a veterinarian on this issue.

At first, babies feed exclusively on mother's milk. To ensure that it is produced in sufficient quantities, feed it with high-quality and always fresh food. Make sure that strong kittens do not push off weaker nipples.

After 3-4 days, periodically take small animals in their arms so that they do not grow wild and are affectionate to humans. Then both mother and her babies will be happy.

AleksiyaBritish    12 February 2019 - 12:26

За время работы в моем питомнике роды были разные, от легких и стемительных до тяжелых (с летальным исходом как самих котят так и мам)

Интересный случай с стремительными родами. Обычно коты рожают с 59-67 день от вязки..

Бенгальская кошка, 2 роды по счету, 57 день беременности, вполне спокойная кошка наблюдалась мной с утра, я ушла на работу, приехала через 2 часа  (стечение обстоятельств) зашла посмотреть на кошку,а она так же спокойно лежала, но с далека показалось худой. Ближе подойдя я ужаснулась, она была без котят уже, сухая и чистая, без признаков прошедших родов. Судорожно стала искать где она дела детей..мысля прошла а может она съела.. так как в комнате полнейшая тишина, не писка .. Нашла..она родила их в когтеточке и закапала как будто мусор, дети не пищали были скомканы в один большой запутанный шар из котят, пуповин и плаценты. Холодные и мокрые - но живые! Быстренько всех распутала, высушила и подсунула горе маме, что это было и почему до сих пор не пойму. Ведь это были 2 роды в ее жизни.


AleksiyaBritish    12 February 2019 - 12:31

А по тяжелым родам помниться и не забудется, как я приехала в клинику разобраться почему кошка не может разродиться.. 68 день. тужится но ничего не происходит. На узи оказалось что внутри огромная гемотома, и рога маки перекручены. Объяснили это тем что кошка видно много прыгала или бегала, возможно дралась с другими котами, от чего это и произошло. К сожалению все 5 котят уже не дышали, маму удалось спасти. Очень страшно когда такое просиходит, и к сожалению опыт приходит зачастую после несчастных случаев, которые нас и учат ( Уход и пристальное внимание за своими питомцами помогут избежать неприятных ситуаций.

17 July 2019 - 14:14

ужас. надо было срочно в клинику. Если тужится и не рожает это не нормально и действовать нужно СРОЧНО!


Марина Гвоздева    4 December 2019 - 11:52

У моих роды были разные, одна просила, чтобы я была рядом, другая,  сама все прекрасно делала и уже к моему приходу,  все были сухие и дружно сосали маму

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