Many dog owners are familiar with this condition of their pets. For them, this is due to evolutionary development. So, in a flock of wolves, due to this syndrome, a non-pregnant individual released milk, which fed puppies from mothers who died for any reason. However, for purr this is not so characteristic. In this regard, it is important for the owner to make out in time the first alarming calls in the pet, to understand the reason for this and to know how to provide assistance correctly.
Important! Do not be indifferent to your pet and do not think that "will pass by itself." Very often, a false pregnancy in cats leads to mastitis, which in turn is often fatal.
Symptoms of False Pregnancy in Cats
First of all, this problem is characterized by the rapid development of signs of pregnancy. That is, if usually the features of psychological behavior, physiological manifestations appear closer to the end of the term, then vice versa, almost from the first week.
The first thing the owners pay attention to is behavior. For different favorites, it can be different: one will behave very calmly, peacefully, listlessly, sleepily, while the other will rush from place to place, afraid of any rustle.
Some caudate from the very first days of a false pregnancy begin to "nest". They look for some small items of clothing, home textiles, shoes and pull everything to themselves in an impromptu "nest", drip. They also often spend hours on end, rummaging through cabinets, hiding there.
For emotional manifestations go physical. In fluffy, the stomach appears instantly, the mammary glands swell, and milk appears.
Profuse discharge from the vulva (contact your veterinarian immediately if you notice this symptom).
Important! At the first symptoms of a false pregnancy, you need to see a doctor!
Causes of False Pregnancy in Cats
If you and your four-legged faced such an unpleasant phenomenon, it is important to understand its root causes.
Doctors often associate this condition with a lack of attention from the owner. In this case, the animal does not feel loved, necessary and begins to compensate for this by far-fetched “importance” for future kittens.
The next possible cause of false pregnancy in cats is severe stress. Perhaps it’s just hard for her to constantly repair the house, strained relationships with children, other tailed people in the house, etc.
Often, the four-legged mimics the bearing of a litter if there is another cat nearby, really pregnant.
Very often the cause of false pregnancy in cats is an unsuccessful mating.
And of course, one cannot exclude the possibility of internal problems that entailed such changes. Fluffy is likely to suffer from hormonal failure, thyroid disease. A lot of options. That is why it is important to determine the cause of the pathology with your veterinarian.
Treating False Pregnancy in Cats

Before embarking on a cure for this syndrome, you should work out the situation with the doctors. They will find out its root cause and select adequate therapy.
If we are not talking about any other diseases inside the animal’s body (thyroid gland, reproductive system, etc.), the treatment of false pregnancy in cats will be to relieve symptoms. To do this, you will need to devote maximum of your time and attention to the pet, show all your love, its importance and need for you.
The veterinarian can also prescribe sedatives in order to gradually minimize lactation. Massages will help relieve pain from swelling of the mammary glands and avoid stagnation of milk.
Unfortunately, if the cause of the condition lies in deeper, internal problems, a more serious comprehensive treatment will be required (up to the complete removal of the uterus), which will be selected depending on the final diagnosis.
It is interesting! Experts have traced the pattern in which breeds more often have a false pregnancy. These are Oriental, Rex and Sphinx.
In order for your pet not to suffer from such manifestations, try to give her more time, attention, show your love in every possible way. Do not forget to take care of the health and psychological state of the caudate.