How to teach a dog team "Place"

The “Place” command is important for the dog and its owner. The skill will allow you to leave the pet at the right point. It can be a couch where the dog is resting, or absolutely any place in space (for example, next to some object). In both cases, the training technique is similar.

dog training How to train a dog for the "Place" command in the house

Begin to develop the skill from the first days of the dog's stay in your home, including from puppyhood. Your main task is to lure your pet onto a sunbed with the help of goodies, and then enter the word “Place” before the animal begins to move in the direction of its bed. Do not forget to cheerfully praise it with each correctly performed exercise and encourage it with a tasty piece.

Place in the house

At the next stage of working out the team, move a few meters from the sunbed, point to it with your hand and say “Place”. When the dog comes and lies there, reward him with verbal praise, stroking and dainty.

Repeat the exercise again and again, but now use variable reinforcement: give treats not every time, but selectively, without a clear sequence so that it is impossible to predict when the food will appear. But commendable words are best used all the time.

Many owners most often pronounce this command when their four-legged friend interferes with something or ruffles it. It is not right. If you send the dog to the lounger only in a strict and irritated voice, the team will be associated with unpleasant emotions, and the place of rest itself will not like it. To avoid this unwanted connection, repeat the command in different circumstances (for example, during a game or when repeating already learned skills).

command Team "Place" on the street

To develop this skill, you can use another verbal signal: for example, “Wait” or “Wait”. This does not play a role, the main thing is to choose a single word for designation so that the four-legged friend does not get confused.

Start the exercise only after you have learned the command "Sit" or "Lie down". Since the pet must be fixed in some position.

place on the street

On the street in a calm environment without extraneous irritants, command, for example, “Sit,” reinforce the correct execution with affection and a tidbit. Then say “Place”, step back 1-2 meters for a few seconds, come back and give refreshments. Then gradually increase the distance by which you will retreat, and give out food not every time.

Return the torn beast to its original position and repeat the exercise again. Your request must always be fulfilled. Therefore, be patient, but in no case do not scold, and even more so do not beat the dog for disobedience. Try again and again.

Please note: because of their age, puppies are not able to stay in the same position for a long time, therefore, with the development of this skill, it is better to pause and start exercises from 5-6 months, or even later (depending on temperament).

come back How to teach a dog to return to a place

If you plan to participate in competitions that use various elements of obedience, you will need the skill of returning to the place. The mining algorithm looks like this:

Give the command "Lie down" and put next to the dog some object familiar to him (for example, a rolled leash or your scarf).

Once again say “Lie down” and step back 4-5 steps.

After 3-5 seconds, clearly command "To me." After completing, praise the four-legged friend for the approach.

Say "Place" with your hand pointing to the item left. If the dog does not move in the desired direction, ask the assistant to quietly pre-put there a few pieces of attractive food or your favorite dog toy. If this does not help, start moving there yourself, inviting the pet after you, and joyfully repeat the command.

Having reached the abandoned item, again ask the dog to lie down and reward him with a treat.


Repeat this exercise several times the next day. The skill is considered fulfilled when the animal, without your help, returns to the indicated point from a distance of 15 meters and lays there. At the same time, it is not distracted by external stimuli (near walking people and relatives).

Train daily. But don’t give 45-minute lessons without a break, like in school. This tires a tailed friend and dulls his interest. Training should resemble a game. Do 3-5 exercises and just play with your favorite ball. Then you will be able to achieve success faster.

Varna    7 February 2019 - 11:53

Наверное в моем случае поздно( Овчарке уже 3 года, а место мы не знали и незнаем(

Константин Лисов 7672    7 July 2021 - 15:47

Как точно вы описали мой метод дрессировки. Это точно не я писал?)

Анна    2 December 2021 - 13:11

Да уж дрессировка дело долгое и кропотливое)

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