Useful information about animals

Useful information about animals does not interfere with any owner of a dog or cat, because so you will be even better grounded in all areas of his life. In this, as always, will help you!

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A selection of cartoons about dogs for children

A selection of cartoons about dogs for children

PetGlobal gathered in one collection the most famous, instructive, interesting cartoons about our smaller brothers - dogs. We suggest you familiarize yourself with this list!

Changes in the delivery of dogs and cats in connection with the Covid-19 epidemic

Changes in the delivery of dogs and cats in connection with the Covid-19 epidemic

The situation with the Covid-19 epidemic also affected pet couriers, a puppy or kitten could cross the border only after mandatory vaccination, chipping and quarantine on 21 days. Now things have gotten more complicated.
Dog shows: how they go and why they are needed

Dog shows: how they go and why they are needed

Dog shows - not just a fun sight, where the owners are competing, whose favorite is more beautiful. We tell why to participate in dog shows. Following the link, you can get acquainted with the schedule of dog shows for the 2019th year in the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation, Ukraine and European countries.

Everything you wanted to know about the comfort of pets: houses, loungers and scraper

Everything you wanted to know about the comfort of pets: houses, loungers and scraper

Our article will help you make the right choice in relation to the arrangement of the animal's home. What to choose: a house or a bed, and whether a cat needs a scraper.

Features travel with a dog by car

Features travel with a dog by car

The article will discuss the nuances of traveling with a dog by car. From it you will learn how to ensure your pet comfort, safety, peace of mind while traveling by car.

GPS collar: an unnecessary bauble, or a life-saving device?

GPS collar: an unnecessary bauble, or a life-saving device?

This article will discuss whether to purchase a device such as a GPS collar. We will understand their varieties, pluses and minuses.

Hotel for animals: how to choose a halfway house for a pet?

Hotel for animals: how to choose a halfway house for a pet?

We are talking about the important things in choosing hotel for pets

Keeping pets. Prohibited Dog Breeds

Keeping pets. Prohibited Dog Breeds

Do you want to live like in Europe? Start with yourself! The content of the four-legged should be legal and not interfere with the comfortable living of the people around you.

Memo to the seller: the secret of successful sale of a pet

Memo to the seller: the secret of successful sale of a pet

Few easy to sell. Every breeder wants to successfully and safely sell the graduate of his nursery! This will be discussed in our article.

Rabies Antibody Titres. EU Pet Import Rules 2024

Rabies Antibody Titres. EU Pet Import Rules 2024

Since September 16, 2024, the rules for importing animals into a number of EU countries, as well as Georgia, Japan, Singapore, Australia, Israel, the UAE, South Korea and China have changed. Moreover, in some of the above countries, it is necessary to wait for a quarantine period of 180 days.

Schedule of dog shows in Belarus

Schedule of dog shows in Belarus

The table with the schedule of dog shows in Belarus contains all the necessary information: date, venue, information about the organizer, and also what breeds are allowed to participate.

Schedule of dog shows in Russia

Schedule of dog shows in Russia

Schedule of dog shows for the 2019th year with the dates of the beginning and end, contact the organizer, venue, the name of the club and the federation, as well as experts.

Schedule of dog shows in Ukraine

Schedule of dog shows in Ukraine

Here you can find the schedule of dog shows in Ukraine. A convenient table contains the time, place, organizer of the exhibition, as well as its rank.

Schedule of international exhibitions rank CACIB

Schedule of international exhibitions rank CACIB

Here you can find the schedule of international exhibitions of the CACIB rank in a simple table format. Navigating the table containing all the necessary information about the event is very convenient and clear.

Transportation of dogs and cats, cargo delivery. Rules of transportation of pets.

Transportation of dogs and cats, cargo delivery. Rules of transportation of pets.

Today no one is impressed by cat or dog sitting in cage in the airport or plane. Let's talk about different types of transport of cats and dogs and will know what documents do we need to their transportation.
