
Home Caracal is the decoration of any home and family. However, not everyone can afford it. This is one of the most expensive cats!

  • Origin - Africa, Growth 30 - 60 сm., Lifespan 15-20 years


Wool length



Mind and wit

Average cost

0 - 54101 $



Voted: 2


Name of the breed: Caracal

Fit for allergics: No

For families with children: No

Difficulty of care: Yes

Interesting Facts

  1. Caracal successfully crosses with Serval and a domestic cat.
  2. An interesting fact about Caracal is that some particularly skilled owners manage to accustom it even to the tray. But this, of course, aerobatics!


  3. The average life span of a home Caracal is 15 years.
  4. The cat’s health is excellent, and vaccinations are given to him exactly the same as ordinary domestic breeds.

History of Caracal

Caracal is a wild cat, which in its characteristics is closer not to a lynx, with which, by the way, it is often compared, but to a puma. This animal has distribution in Africa, the Middle East and even in some CIS countries. So, for example, he was noticed on the lands of Dagestan, Turkmenistan.

Translated from Turkish, the name of the cat Caracal is translated as "black ear". This is no accident (below you will find out the reason).

The history of Caracal contains many cases of taming such purrs. So, the four-legged one helped in hunting in India, lived with people in ancient Egypt.

Today, the tailed tail is successfully tamed in the post-Soviet space. It is successfully bred and sold to people who can afford it, because such an exclusive, premium favorite is very, very expensive.

Description of Caracal

This pet is very elegant, graceful beauty. It has an elongated, slender body, which is located on the muscular limbs (the front ones are longer than the rear ones). The parameters of the body and its color are very reminiscent of a lynx.

The parameters of caudate, living outside the wild, and wild are different. So, the domesticated male in the description of Caracal reaches a length of 85 cm, and a wild one - 120! The average weight varies between 10-20 kg.

A very interesting look is given by the mask on the face, which consists of black stripes on both sides, eye strokes, and spots from eyes to nose.

The color of the coat is uniform. He is brown. Its structure is quite soft and dense.

The name of the cat was given to the ears, the back of which is black. Caracal is translated from Turkish as “black ears”. They are sharp and end with dense, long brushes.

The character of Caracal

The home representative has a very mild character. However, it should be borne in mind that wild habits can be dangerous for young children. When playing with an animal, you can’t tease it with your own hands or feet, as a pet can easily attack them.

Another nuance of the character of Caracal is his willfulness. He is used to being independent in decision making. That is why to teach him as a dog in any case does not work. Despite this, the dog has such qualities as curiosity and playfulness.

Caracal at home

In order to possess a purr with which it will be possible to coexist without fear, it should be started only in a professional, home nursery. Having brought an animal out of captivity, you risk becoming its victim.

In an apartment, getting such a pet is certainly not worth it. It should be only a private house, on the territory of which a separate aviary should be built, a house for him.

The four-legged loves bathing procedures. And very much so. Therefore, problems with torn hands from the claws will definitely not arise.

How to feed Caracal?

The next important aspect of keeping Caracal at home will be the question of how to feed Caracal. The ideal diet is raw meat. The main thing is that it was not pork.

Some owners claim that they successfully manage to accustom their tailed and dry food. It is possible, but the main thing is to choose a useful, balanced product that will satisfy all its needs for food elements.

Education of Caracal

Perhaps the key aspect of the education of Caracal will be its correct and, most importantly - timely, socialization. This will be the guarantor of your comfortable coexistence. Performing various tricks to such a cat is completely useless.

As mentioned above, it is necessary to socialize a kitten from a very young age. This moment is important not to miss. Murlyka must recognize his master and members of his family, be accustomed to walking, eating, and toilet.

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