Domestic cat

To bring a purebred cat is not a cheap pleasure. But on the street so many charming kids who need a new home! After reading our article, you will see that such acquaintance promises you only pleasant emotions.

  • Growth 20 - 40 cm., Weight 3 - 6 kg., Lifespan 15-20 years


Wool length



Mind and wit



Voted: 9


Name of the breed: Domestic cat

Fit for allergics: No

For families with children: Yes

Difficulty of care: No

Interesting Facts Interesting Facts

  1. For many people, the breed of a pet, in particular a cat, is a matter of principle when it is acquired. However, despite this fact, more than 90% of all cats in the world are not purebred.
  2. For registration of documents for such purrs, the quite common name of “pseudo-breed” is used - the purebred cat.

    purebred cat

  3. It is considered that the level of immunity and health in general in such Fuzzies is at the highest level.
  4. Cat-survivor from the Guinness Book of Records - mongrel! And this is a fact! Lucy's cat from the UK has already exceeded 39 years!
  5. Do you think such animals are closed to exhibitions? And no! They can easily participate in their respective categories and even receive prizes for the most beautiful exterior.

Pros and cons of purebred cats Pros and cons of purebred cats

As a rule, most people want to buy a purebred cat, arguing that you can trace its heredity, susceptibility to diseases, depending on whether they are with parents, to be confident in the beautiful appearance of a cat, etc. But! Many people forget that in addition to the absence of expenses for the very fact of acquiring a purebred cat, such a pet has a number of advantages.

Pluses of cats without breed

Firstly, such animals usually have very good health due to the fact that they literally had to survive in different climatic conditions, sometimes as severe as possible.

Secondly, they are not whimsical in care and nutrition. A kitten from the street will be happy just that he was fed and will not be picky and demand food of the highest class. Budget savings are obvious.

Care is limited to standard weekly combing, bathing if necessary, trimming claws and washing the ears and eyes.

Thirdly, the plus of a purebred cat can still be distinguished and the fact that she will thank you all her life for your kindness and warmth. She will be the most responsive, kind and affectionate.

Cons of mongrel fuzzies

Of course, without the drawbacks of such cats can not do. Here, a well-known phraseological unit would be appropriate - “buy a cat in a bag”. Picking up an animal from the yard or even with friends, you can never be sure which genes your father has, whether your mother has any hereditary diseases and how your pet will actually grow in terms of its appearance and character.

Pet character Pet character

As mentioned above, bringing home a besprednogo kitten, you will get yourself the most loyal and grateful friend. Only occasionally can one meet pride and narcissism in their character. As a rule, this is boundless adoration, devotion and love.

It is important at the very first acquaintance to see the presence of aggressive notes in the nature of a purebred cat. Such a pet will be harder to tame due to the fact that he may have been offended more than once. It will take more time for him to learn to trust people.

How many mongrel cats live How many mongrel cats live?

In contrast to the breed pets, the hand of a single person is not attached to the issue of reproduction, procreation, distribution of genes of outbred cats. Of course, this favorably affected the natural selection of the strongest, healthiest, sturdiest cats.

That is why it is customary to believe that such purrs live longer than their pedigree brethren. Many owners cited examples according to which their four-legged friends calmly lived to be 20 or even more years.

Of course, not the last role in this issue is played by food and conditions of detention, which can both increase this figure or decrease.

Colorbred cats Colorbred cats

With regard to the appearance of such animals, there are no standards, no clear frameworks or borders. Therefore, it is in a mongrel cat that one can meet all the diversity of the structure of wool, its type, color. You also can not forget about the parameters of the body, the shape of the ears, eyes, tail.

Conventionally, such cats can be divided into short-haired and long-haired. The most common color of a purebred cat is called tiger and spotted. The rarest is white.

It is not difficult to guess why it happened that way. Due to the permanent residence on the street, the presence of an external threat, there was a need for the possibility of camouflage, which was carried out thanks to a non-bright, spotty color that merges the animal with its surroundings.

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