Donskoy cat
If you want to bring a little bit of exotic in your life - get the Don Sphynx! This article will help you learn more about its history, content and character from the experts in this field.
- Origin Russia, Growth 20 - 40 cm., Weight 1-4 kg.
- Lifespan 10-15 years
Wool length
Mind and wit
Name of the breed: Donskoy cat
Fit for allergics: Yes
For families with children: Yes
Difficulty of care: No
Facts about the Don Sphynx
- The average body temperature of these cats is about 40 degrees.
- The following fact was registered about the Don Sphynx: the maximum lifespan of representatives of this breed is 19 years.
- These pets love to swim.
- Allergy sufferers may even contain these quadrupeds.
- A curious fact about the Don Sphynx: they sweat absolutely the entire surface of the body.
History of the Don Sphynx
Rostov-on-Don is the cradle of origin of this breed. It was there in 1986 that the history of the Don Sphynx began. We have to admit that it was impossible to foresee the appearance of the species, and the impetus for it was the miraculous salvation of Elena Kovaleva, a little kitten from the hands of the children who tortured him. Having brought home a little ball, caring, raising him, the woman soon discovered that the pet's hair fell out. The treatment did not bring any results.
In 1990, the young cubs of this cat were born, which became the first founders of the breed. Its further development took Irina Nemykina, who by 1996 achieved such results that cats of the Don Sphynx breed were officially recognized around the world.
Description of the Don Sphynx
Their torso is different in size than the average, developed skeleton and athletic. Limbs are not very elegant, rear slightly longer than the front. The tail is long, straight.
The head is wedge-shaped, of medium size, narrowing towards the end. The transition from the forehead to the skull is not very visible, but the cheekbones and eyebrows are quite clear. The nose is straight. Jaws are strong. The ears are a peculiar continuation of the head. They are characterized by quite large size, triangular shape and rounding at the ends. Small ears are considered a significant drawback.
It is impossible to continue the description of the Don Sphynx without mentioning its cover. In total, there are 4 types of them:
- Naked
- Flock
- Velor
- Brush
Each of the types has different characteristics of the skin and the presence of wool. It is not difficult to guess that cats of the first type are completely devoid of hair. The second is endowed with only a small gun. The third has a more significant hair (about 2 mm), and the fourth has a rather long hair, which, plus everything, is characterized by a rather stiff texture.
Color is not standardized.
Character of the Don Sphynx
In general, the character of the Don Sphynx is absolutely positive. These pets will become faithful companions in games for both children and adults. Unstoppable energy is their key quality. They are also well located for other species of animals: dogs, birds, fish.
An important nuance is the touchiness of the Don Sphynx. Even one rude phrase is enough for him to avoid the master, until he is pleased with some sweets.
Content of the Don Sphynx
In the care of these quadrupeds there are a number of features that must be taken into account. First, due to the lack of wool, they are extremely thermophilic. Secondly, they do not need frequent bathing at all - you can limit yourself to rubbing at all. Thirdly, taking into account the activity of cats, it is not recommended to forget about regular updating of toys, unless of course you want to face the problem of your broken things.
In general, the maintenance of the Don Sphynx will not cause any trouble to its owners.
Feeding Don Sphynx
Because of the peculiarities of the skin and coat, it is necessary to approach the feeding of the Don Sphynx carefully and wisely. These quadrupeds give a lot of heat, and therefore there is a need for more calories than other breeds. Feed them about 3-4 times a day.
These animals are not very fastidious in food. They are suitable for any of the existing three food options: organic foods, ready-made feeds and mixed. The main thing is that all products should be of high quality, without the addition of preservatives and balanced in all food elements.
In the diet it is better not to add some foods: smoked meats, river fish, sweets, pastries.
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