Javanese cat
- Origin United Kingdom, Growth 20 - 40 cm., Weight 3 - 6 kg.
- Lifespan 10-15 years
Wool length
Mind and wit
Fit for allergics: Yes
Name of the breed: Javanese cat
For families with children: Yes
Difficulty of care: No
Interesting Facts
- From the Siams these purrs got a unique “talk” manner. Over time, it is possible to learn how to understand an animal: find out what it is asking for, understand what it is complaining about and, in general, distinguish the nuances of its mood.
- Many professionals in the field of domestic animals emphasize this fact about the Javanese cat: These fluffies are very clever and well trained. They can easily master the basic commands and even different tricks.
- This breed of cats can be quickly and easily accustomed to walking on a special leash.
- Java cat is considered hypoallergenic. This fact will be especially pleasant to people who dream of a fluffy cat, but do not have the opportunity to buy it.
- The most highly appreciated is a Java cat with an absolutely straight nose, imperceptibly passing into the forehead.
Javanese history
The breed was bred in the UK at the end of the 19th century, namely in the 70s. There, its first representatives were obtained as a result of mating Abyssinian and Siamese cats. Then, some work was done to get a cat with a long coat.
And here begins the main story of Javanese, which is associated with the definition of its name. Its first name was the "Angora cat." It is absolutely impossible to trace the logic in this, since the breed has nothing in common with the Turkish Angora, nor any common blood.
As a result, it was decided to rename the breed in the Yavan cat. This gave rise to even greater confusion, since in America a cat with such a name already existed. This is a Balinez with a certain type of color.
As a result, it was decided to leave this name.
Breed description Java cat
This cat is very beautiful, well-built and elegant. Her torso has medium parameters, slightly elongated in shape.
The limbs, both front and rear, are very strong and muscular. Paws oval.
The tail is long, richly decorated with a thick coat of wool.
The head is characterized by its wedge-shaped form, prone to narrowing in the nose. The transition from the skull to the muzzle is not pronounced. The forehead smoothly into a straight nose.
Eyes a little slanting, "Oriental." The preferred color is bright green or bright blue in the case of a white color or colorpoints.
Coat in the description of the Javan cat breed is characterized as silky, soft, smooth. He has no undercoat, and the hair on the chest and tail is slightly longer than the rest of the body.
Pet character
These pets - owners of a very sensitive, gentle, but fervent disposition. They are madly in love with their master and are not averse to seeing other animals in the house. They treat children very warmly and play with them with joy.
Relationship with the owner is a separate aspect in the character of the Javanese cat. He adores his madness and always makes him stand out from the rest of the family. With him, he can spend days on end, doing a variety of things.
By the way of the game - this cat's favorite occupation. She will be happy both to observe them and to take part in them directly.
What to feed Yavanez?
Today, experts identify three possible types of food:
Dry food
Select the option of feeding you need based on your time and financial capabilities, as well as the physiology of a particular animal. The question “what to feed Yavanez?” Cannot be answered unequivocally, any of the three existing types will do.
Dry food should be of high quality, from a trusted manufacturer and with good composition.
If time and effort allow you, you can opt for feeding natural products. But this is not so easy, since it is impossible to simply give uneaten human food or scraps directly from the table. Also, you should not allow sausages, pastries, sweets, an abundance of different spices and salt in the diet.
It is better to focus on the following food:
Meat (heat treated)
Sea fish (fillet)
Cat care
Keeping a cat in a small apartment is definitely not worth it. She needs as much space as possible for games and active physical pastime.
In addition, the purr should be provided with all the necessary household items, such as a stove bench, food pans, a tray, a scraper, various toys and hygiene items.
The coat of Yavanez is devoid of undercoat, so molting is not terrible for it. It is enough for owners to comb out a pet 1-2 times a week, and bathe only as needed.
Teeth should be cleaned at least once a week, as this breed is prone to dental diseases. To prevent them, do not neglect this procedure.
The rest of the care of Yavanez standard.
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