Cornish Rex
Name of the breed: Cornish Rex
Fit for allergics: Yes
For families with children: Yes
Difficulty of care: No
Interesting Facts
- The word "rex" does not mean a cat's breed, but its type of wool (in particular, and brand curly).
- "Curls" and "curls" Rex - the result of a genetic mutation.
- It was first recognized in 1967.
- Currently, there are 4 types of cats with the prefix "Rex": Devonian, Cornish, Selkirk and German.
- At exhibitions, black Cornish Rex are most often the winners.
- In the color of cats and cats, Cornish Rex - a huge number of color variations.
Cornish Rex (Cornish Rex) - an etolon of kindness
This is a real aristocrat! They are peaceful, do not fight, do not bite. By nature, Cornish Rex is not a vengeful. They don't steal food from the table. Cornish Rex does not like loneliness, so whenever possible pet will seek your attention.
Cornish is an incredibly intelligent animal. Easy to train. For people who are allergic to cats, you can, without any fear, purchase Cornish Rex, because they are hypoalgrenic.
Breed characteristics
The Cornish Rex is a true Englishman. His homeland is considered to be Cornwall County. The unusual kitten appeared in 1950 in the kennel Badmin Moore. Despite the fact that all the brothers were absolutely the same Kallibunker, this is exactly what the kitten was called, it was notable for its special curly hair.
Repeated attempts to get the same kittens as Callibunker were unsuccessful. This lasted until one of the geneticists proposed to cross the cat with his mother. Finally, the long-awaited result, curly kittens.
Body: has a thin build, rather flexible with a curved back and a drawn in belly. Legs are thin and long, the front ones are slightly shorter than the hind legs, the tips of the paws are rounded. elongated, egg-shaped, the muzzle is shaped like a wedge, straight nose, mustache and eyebrows curl.
The eyes are large, oval in shape, match the color of the coat. Cone-shaped ears, strongly open, set high, absent both inside and outside (TICA). The hair is short, thick, curls evenly over the whole body, including the limbs, is uniform. Colors are very different
Disadvantages: too long head, ears of small size, too much vegetation on the tail or its complete absence.
Cornish Rex Care
In order not to damage its structure to combing, it is important to approach delicacy, the procedure should be carried out once a week. For this, a brush with a natural broom is perfectly applied. Water treatments should be done every 2 months, the Cornish is extremely sensitive skin.
Representative breed differ appetite.
Make sure that the diet was varied. There are no preferences specifically for industrial or natural feed. Cornish is happy to feast on both.
Cornish Rex are often confused with Devon Rex. One of the main differences between the breeds is the shape of the head. In Devon Rex, it is wedge-shaped; in Cornish Rex, it is more like an egg. At Cornish, it is wavy, in Devonian curl.
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