Kurilian Bobtail

An unusual cat from the Kuril Islands with a pompon tail is the Kuril bobtail. Read in our article the facts from its history, as well as features of care and nutrition.

  • Origin Russia, Growth 20 - 40 cm., Weight 6 - 10 kg.
  • Lifespan 10-15 years


Wool length



Mind and wit

Average cost

0 - 937 $



Voted: 26


Name of the breed: Kurilian Bobtail

Fit for allergics: No

For families with children: Yes

Difficulty of care: No

Interesting facts about the Kuril Bobtail Interesting facts about the Kuril Bobtail

  1. It is well known that these cuties are not afraid of water at all.
  2. The habits of the cat are similar to the dog, which is expressed in certain protective qualities of the four-legged.

    Kuril Bobtail

  3. Many owners note the fact of the Kuril bobtail, according to which they do not mark the territory at all.
  4. A well-developed intuition is characteristic of all bobtails.
  5. These Fuzzies love to hunt all the living around them.

Origin of the Kuril Bobtail Origin of the Kuril Bobtail

With regard to the history of this breed is simple and clear. In the 20th century, a cat with an unusual tail was brought from the Kuril Islands (from which the Kuril bobtail takes its origin) to the territory of the mainland. There, in the process of selection work, it was found that such a non-standard structure of the tail is not a mutation.

The first step towards the official recognition of the breed was its registration in the Felinological Federation of the Soviet Union. There the first standard was adopted.

Today, the international community distinguishes two subspecies of these cats: with short and semi-long hair.

Description of the Kuril Bobtail Description of the Kuril Bobtail

Parameters of quadrupeds average, compact. The body is endowed with well-developed muscles. The back is slightly arched. Limbs strong, rear longer than the front.

Do not know the pet of this breed is impossible. The main distinctive feature of the description of the Kuril Bobtail is the tail. Its minimum length is 3 cm, the maximum length is 12 cm. It is characterized by a dense cover, which creates the effect of “pompon”.

The head is very large, has the shape of a trapezoid, wide. Highly placed on her standing ears. Almond-shaped eyes are slightly angled.

Coat can be of two types: short and semi-long. For the first, abundant guard hairs and poorly developed undercoat are inherent, for the second, moderate cover and thick undercoat are inherent.

The nature of the Kuril bobtail The nature of the Kuril bobtail

Many compare his behavior with the dog. They are very active, friendly and attached to their master. They love to play with toys, bring them to someone.

Despite the fact that cats usually do not like water and everything connected with it, the nature of the Kuril bobtail has a passion for water and fishing.

Care Kuril Bobtail Care Kuril Bobtail

Keeping an animal at home is not difficult. Only care for wool differs depending on its type. Longhair is better to comb as often as possible to help your pet get rid of dead hair.

Bathing should be carried out several times a year, as the four-legged one becomes soiled. Human hygiene products must not be used for these procedures. It is better to buy a special shampoo in the zoo shop, which is created taking into account the structure of animal hair.

In the care of the Kuril Bobtail, one should not forget about such standard procedures as brushing the teeth, washing the ears and eyes, cutting the claws.

to feed the Kuril bobtail How to feed the Kuril bobtail?

Given the fact that these cats originated naturally in the wild, artificial nutrition does not suit them at all. It can even harm the health of fluffy. To feed the Kuril Bobtail is preferable to natural products, in particular meat and fish.

In order to further diversify the diet, you can include in it various vegetables, cereals, dairy products.

From a very young age you should accustom your pet to a certain feeding regimen: meal time and its volume.

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