Persian cat

Probably all over the world can not find a man who would not have heard anything about the Persian cat. This breed is extremely popular, largely due to its "royal" wool: incredibly fluffy and long.

  • Origin Great Iran, Growth 20 - 40 cm., Weight 6 - 10 kg.
  • Lifespan 10-15 years


Wool length



Mind and wit



Voted: 10


Name of the breed: Persian cat

Fit for allergics: No

For families with children: No

Difficulty of care: Yes

Interesting facts Interesting facts about the Persian cat

  1. At the beginning of the 20th century, the breed "Exotic" was bred in Europe. It is fully consistent with the characteristics of the Persian, both in character and in the physiology of the structure. The only difference is not long and thick wool, but “plush”, short.
  2. Very often the Persian cat is called the “sofa cat”. This is due to the fact that they really spend most of their lives in a dream, sprawling on something soft and comfortable.

    Interesting facts about the Persian cat

  3. A Persian named Blubel gave birth to an unprecedented litter - 14 kittens!
  4. Each cat has its own nose.
  5. It is extremely rare to hear the meowing of these cats. As a rule, they achieve their only one aptly cast glance.

Origin of Persian Cats Origin of Persian Cats

There are two approaches to the question of the history of this breed: some believe that it was brought from faraway Turkey, others from Persia. Be that as it may, the first mention of it dates from the 17th century.

The British also left their mark on the Persian cat's lineage. Many consider Britain to be the cradle of this breed, because it was there that the colossal work on its improvement was made from the 19th century.

Persian Cat Description Persian Cat Description

The appearance of these four-legged is very bright and memorable. Highlight the extreme Persian and classic. Extreme differs more flattened face, and the classic - elongated.

The parameters of the cat can be called large. Weight reaches 7 kg!

The body is squat, strong, with athletic short legs. The chest and neck are wide. The tail is short.

The next point in the description of the Persian cat is its head. It has a rather large size. Wide. Low and wide on it are small ears. The forehead is convex. The eyes are round, large, expressive. Nose flattened, can be snub-nosed.

Wool is the main pride and distinctive feature of the exterior of the Persian. It is thick, but thin. Very, very long.

There is no clear frame for color. It can be anything from white to black. The same goes for eye color.

Persian cat character Persian cat character

It is quite common to say that Persian is the laziest breed in the world. But this is a fallacy! These pets can happily run for a favorite toy or suddenly unexpected guest.

Nevertheless, many complain that they are too proud and wayward. And indeed it is! The character of the Persian cat can not be called simple, as they can only spend time alone with themselves, not paying attention to anyone around for a long time. Children are extremely indifferent.

Special trepidation and attachment to the owner for them is also not observed.

Persian Cat Care Persian Cat Care

When you decide to start a cat of a long-haired breed, you need to be prepared for the fact that you have to constantly look after her. Care for a Persian cat should be regular and thorough.

Such long and rich wool of Persian requires constant attention. It is often not recommended to wash it, but it is better to comb as much as possible. Then she will not stray into the mats and will not stay on everything that is in your house.

Of course, it is important to remember about the care of the eyes of the Persian cat. Due to the nature of their structure and location, they should be washed regularly.

to feed a Persian cat How to feed a Persian cat?

The stomach and digestive system of the Persians differ in a number of features, in connection with which it is necessary to approach the issue of drawing up the diet of their diet with all seriousness.

First of all, it is important to remember that it is strictly forbidden to mix a natural diet with an industrial one. If you choose to feed food, do not give her some food from your table.

The diet must be balanced and rich in nutrients. Experts strongly recommend not to feed the Persian cat as follows:

  • A fish
  • Chicken Offal
  • Eggplant
  • Sharp
  • Roast

Speaking of industrial feed, it should be super premium. Some manufacturers even offer certain types of food for different breeds. They are created taking into account the biological needs of representatives of the breed.

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