Burmese cat

Burmese, or Burmese shorthair cat (Burmese cat) & ndash; truly royal breed. Her immense love, tender and touching attitude to a man is surprising. Charming pet, which will always delight its owner.

  • Origin Burma, Growth 20 - 40 cm., Weight 6 - 10 kg.
  • Lifespan 15-20 years


Wool length



Mind and wit

Average cost

0 - 2824 $



Voted: 13


Fit for allergics: No

Name of the breed: Burmilla shorthair

For families with children: Yes

Difficulty of care: Yes

Interesting Facts Interesting Facts

  1. Burmese cat can be attributed to long-livers, their age can reach 15-17 years;
  2. The first owner of the modern type of cat is considered a resident of San Francisco, Dr. Joseph Thompson in the 20th century.

    Burmese cat

  3. The breed was officially registered in 1934, and kittens were brought to Europe in 1949;
  4. There are two subspecies of the Burmese cat in the world, and this is a fact - American and European;
  5. Burmese is often called the “brick in the bag”, a considerable weight is hidden under the delicate hair coat. An adult can weigh up to 6 kg.

 History Burmese Shorthair (affectionate pet)

Without demanding much, a cat can just lie for hours near the owner, without making a sound. Burmese is able to combine absolute calmness and complete absence of aggression.
Interest in the Burmese breed will be a win-win option for families with children.

Amazing grace, satin shimmering in the sun-enchant at first sight. Honey eyes - an individual feature of this breed. In them you can see the intellect and curiosity, which touch to the depths of the soul.

The Burmese is distinguished by high contact and sociability, the cat will gladly make a company to any inhabitant of the house.

The Burmese cat is from East Asia, more precisely from Burma. In the ancient scriptures you can find animals incredibly similar in description to the Burmese.

In Burma, this breed was revered, believing that they could be the reincarnation of deceased monks. It was believed that having such a beauty and caring for her was a great honor, and the more the monks loved her, the closer they got to God.

 Description Breed description

Body, but strong, with wide chest, muscular, hair short, no undercoat

The head of the American Burmese is round, there are no flat surfaces, full cheeks, ears are triangular, widely spaced, the tips are slightly rounded, with a slight inclination forward, the eyes are large, round, the color is saturated, preferably honey, amber and yellow.

The head of the European Burmese is wedge-shaped, rounded at the top, between the ears, wide cheekbones and a powerful chin. Ears have a low fit, medium size, slightly tilted forward. bottom rounded. Legs are thin, paws of small size, oval.

The color is even, without pictures, slightly lighter on the stomach. Primary colors: brown (brown), blue (blue), chocolate, tortibrane (tortie brown), lilac (lilac), blue torte (blue turtle), lilac-tortie (purple turtle), cream, chocolate turtle

 care Features care Burmese

In order for your pet's hair to remain silky and radiant, it is enough to brush it once a week with a soft bristle brush. During the molt 2 times.

Most cats are afraid of water in panic, the Burmese is no exception. Bathe it recommended as a last resort. If the animal gets dirty enough to wipe the fur with a wet hand. Caring for a pet does not take much time.

In food, the Burmese is not picky. For feeding the cat is suitable as a natural food, and industrial feed. Premium food contains vitamins and trace elements necessary for growth.

Natural nutrition should include only high-quality products: meat, low-fat varieties, seafood, chicken, sea fish in small quantities. You can also give your pet yolk from eggs and boiled liver.

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