Devon Rex
Devon Rex are often compared to elves or aliens because of their unusual appearance. The first thing that catches your eye when describing a Devon Rex breed is big eyes and a funny curled mustache.
- Origin United Kingdom, Growth 20 - 40 cm., Weight 3 - 6 kg.
- Lifespan 10-15 years
Wool length
Mind and wit
Fit for allergics: Yes
Name of the breed: Devon Rex
For families with children: Yes
Difficulty of care: No
Interesting Facts
- When meeting with the owner Devon Rex wags his tail like a dog.
- Devonov called "hot cats." If you take the animal in hand, then you immediately feel how warm it is.
- Devon Rex is a real tele star. The cat can be seen in films such as "Superman 2", "Cats against dogs"
- Every year, the best Devon Rex of the CFA system is honored with the Allan Kinsley award.
- Devons are often celebrity favorites. Singer Marilyn Manson could not resist the charm of these funny little animals. Her Devon-Rex cat bears the respectable nickname Alistair.
Devon Rex Story
First of all - this is a fabulous creature. With its unusual appearance Devon Rex instantly attract attention. Breed Devon Rex as if by nature itself is intended for man. Their love and affection is amazing. Pet will literally walk behind you tail.
If you find this a bit intrusive, weigh your decision well before you find the Devon Rex. It should be noted that cats are smart and easy to learn. Devon Rex are incredible jumpers. You will not even notice how your pet in a second will be on the closet. If you or your child want to play with him, you can not worry, he will not leave scratches from claws on your body.
The first Devon Rex were discovered in 1960. in Devonshire (England) in the vicinity of an old tin mine by a woman named Miss Beryl Cox in a litter of wild kittens. Kittens won the heart of a woman, and she decided to by no means get herself such a kitten. Later, Mrs. Cox decided to cross the foundling with a three-colored cat. As a result of crossbreeding, a cat named Kirlie (curly - curly) turned out. He is considered the father of the breed.
Breed description
The head is small, wedge-shaped, the skull is flat, muzzle, prominent cheekbones. Short nose, pronounced stop. The ears are very large, cone-shaped with a wide lower base and a pointed top.
On the tips of the ears tassels. The body is small in size, the average weight of cats is from 3,600 to 4,500 g, for cats - from 2,300 to 3,200 g, the slender, muscular, brisket is wide. Legs thin and long, front slightly shorter than the rear. Paws oval. The hair is short, curly, there is an undercoat. In the colors are allowed a variety of colors.
Disadvantages: high set ears, small eyes, small body, bare tail.
Maintenance and care
How to care for devon rex?
While caring for the Devon Rex, pay special attention to his coat and ears. They periodically need to be brushed with a soft brush of natural fibers.
If the cat gets dirty, wipe it with special wipes. Bathing - in rare cases.
Ears should be cleaned at least 1 time per week using cotton pads and fluids intended exclusively for this procedure.
Keep the power of your Devon Rex pet under control. Rex big gluttons. Both high-quality feeds and food prepared by you are suitable for feeding (lean beef scalded with boiling water, boiled chicken or turkey breast, sea fish in small quantities)
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