Maine Coon

Maine Coon is quite a large, strong and hardy breed. His varied color, thick and fluffy wool makes him stand out against other feline animals.

  • Origin of USA, Growth 20 - 40 cm., Weight 6 - 10 kg.
  • Lifespan 15-20 years


Wool length



Mind and wit

Average cost

0 - 80000 $



Voted: 33


Fit for allergics: No

Name of the breed: Maine Coon

For families with children: Yes

Difficulty of care: Yes

Interesting Facts Interesting Facts

  1. Fans were pleasantly surprised when a big striped cat appeared in one of the parts of the Harry Potter movie. Maine Coon Female: Pebbles was one of the three Maine Coons who played the role of Argus Filch's pet, Mrs. Norris.
  2. In 2004, a Maine Coon named Little Nicky became the first cloned cat. After the cat died at the age of 17, his inconsolable hostess Julia from Dallas kept her cloth in the bank of Genetics. Paying $ 50,000 to Californian firm Genetic Savings & Clone, Inc. for a cat's DNA transplant into an egg cell.

    Maine Coon

  3. The record for the size of a kun nicknamed: "Stewie" from America. Measuring, experts found that the size is 123.2 cm.
  4. On ships, warships of the Coons were considered a lucky talisman. The first celebrity among the Maine Coons was distinguished by a non-standard name - Captain-Jenks-of-the-sea-cavalry.
  5. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the oldest Maine-Coon in the world is a cat named Velvet who turned 26 years old on August 1, 2015.

 care Maine Coon for home

This is a mystery among its kindred. If you want to find a true friend for yourself and your loved ones, you should purchase this cat. This giant fluffy ball will not leave anyone indifferent. Maine Coon is distinguished by friendliness, docile temper and quick wit.

Having an amazing memory, she is able to remember a large number of commands and gestures of the owner. One of the nice features of the breed is attachment to humans. The pet will look forward to the owner from work, to communicate with him in his special language, sometimes reminiscent of birds chirping. The cat quickly adapts to the new environment.

Wherever you are, your pet will feel right at home.

The perfect reason to pay attention to Kuna is that they get along well with children. Maine Coon is very active and playful, so they will be happy to take part in all the games your child comes up with.

The presence of other pets does not confuse Maine Coon. Moreover, by virtue of their goodwill, they easily win their location.

There are many legends and tales from which these mysterious animals appeared. Maine Coon cat breed is considered to come from the North American state of Maine.

 History Origin

It is assumed that cats got their name from similarities with ordinary raccoons. Literally translated from English, Maine Coon means: "Manx raccoon." According to one of the legends, Coons originated from the crossing of a wild cat and a raccoon, this is largely due to the characteristic of this species (it is often called “wild”).

However, most researchers agreed that these animals appeared naturally. Their appearance and incredible size is just the need to survive in the difficult conditions of North America.

 Description Maine Coon Breed Standard

The body is voluminous, rectangular with a developed musculature, Maine-Coon range from medium to very large. The weight of males is 9-12 kg, females - 5-7 kg. The head is elongated, not wide, like other cats.

According to the standard, it includes a strong skull, expressive cheekbones of a triangular shape, ears with distinctive tassels on the tips. The eyes are large, oval (almost round) shape.

The extremities are not proportional to the body, the tail is bushy, the paws are rounded, the presence of tufts of wool is necessary between the fingers. Color different, are considered popular Tabby.

 care Maintenance and care

For your Maine-kun to please you and not to cause trouble, it’s enough to follow a few rules:

  • The long and silky wool is not confused, which greatly facilitates the process of combing. Comb enough once a week. For this procedure, there is a special brush with blunt ends.
  • Meals should be complete and contain many vitamins. The menu can include dry food (premium class), meat, canned food for Maine Coon, dairy products, cereals.
  • As for the care and water treatments, it is recommended to bathe the pet as needed with specialized shampoo.
  • Do not forget to cut the claws 2 times a month. The presence of scratching posts will not be superfluous.
  • Carefully monitor the condition of the eyes and ears. Inspection is best done every few days. If contaminated, clean them using ordinary cotton shelves.

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2368170    26 March 2019 - 10:23

Так интересно получилось у этой породы, уши такие огромные на фоне самой головы)))

Наталья Шустова    19 November 2019 - 15:51

Еще мейн-куны очень любят двигаться. Побегать за перышком на удочке или погонять игрушечный мячик -  не важно, главное, чтобы было весело! 


Наталья    17 February 2021 - 19:43

Всё правильно, ушки должны быть большие вертикального постава. Это стандарт пород

Elena    8 July 2022 - 22:09

Comment (review) has been deleted.

Waylon Roman 24954    21 April 2024 - 13:08

Contact me if you need a pet 


Liliia    12 January 2025 - 22:09

Добрый вечер! Как с вами связаться?

17 January 2025 - 21:33

 Здравствуйте, вас интересуют котята? 

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