“Rag doll” - yes, that's what Ragdoll is called. Want to know why? Read our article and find out all the most interesting and useful about this wonderful breed of cats.
- Origin of USA, Growth 20 - 40 cm., Weight 6 - 10 kg.
- Lifespan 10-15 years
Wool length
Mind and wit
Fit for allergics: No
Name of the breed: Ragdoll
For families with children: Yes
Difficulty of care: No
Interesting Facts
- Do you think the breed is just called “rag doll”? And no. The purr of this breed has weakened muscle tone, which is why they literally spread out while lying on the owner's lap.
- Despite the fact that these are large cats who like to eat well, they are not inclined towards weight gain and obesity.
- An interesting fact about Ragdoll, you can also highlight the fact that kittens mature very late, only to 2-3 years. In this regard, even mating males are recommended to start no earlier than 2 years.
- For these cats, a fall from a height can be fatal to a greater extent than for other breeds. This is due to the fact that Ragdoll is rather clumsy and does not know how to land on its feet.
- Not only “soft” muscles, but also a low pain threshold are characteristic of the physical structure of the Ragdoll body.
Ragdoll Story
The roots of the breed go to the United States of the 60s of the last century. It was there that Ann Baker got unusual kittens with reduced muscle tone as a result of mating with the Burmese cat.
Later, in order to continue the story of Ragdoll and his development, the breeder selected the kittens with similar characteristics. The breed very quickly gained wide popularity and received international official recognition.
Cat description
Ragdoll is a breed of fairly large cats, well-built. Their body is proportionally stretched, located on strong strong limbs with large legs. The tail is long, richly covered with wool.
The head is wedge-shaped, wide, tapers towards the nose. There are neat, rounded ears on it, where you can sometimes find funny tassels.
Eyes are round, large, bright blue.
Ragdoll's description will continue on his coat. He is very similar to Siam. There is a characteristic mask on the face, blackout on the legs and tail.
Acceptable ragdoll colors:
Ragdoll breed
The behavior of the cat is very soft, docile. He is always very attached to his master and he is literally tagged after him. She loves to sit on his hands and literally "blinks" at them.
Friendliness is an important trait of the Ragdoll breed. He is very sociable, loves the presence of both people and animals nearby. Easily find contact with all of them.
Very soft and never confrontation with anyone. Signs of aggression are not observed.
What to feed ragdoll?
In order for a cat of absolutely any breed to grow up healthy and strong, it needs a complete, balanced, wholesome diet.
The diet can consist of both natural products and industrial feed. The choice must be made by the owner, depending on whether he has free time for cooking and financial opportunities.
If it was decided to feed the Ragdoll with ready-made feeds, you need to buy them of the highest quality possible. This may be premium and super premium products.
Natural products should consist of meat, cereals, vegetables, milk. But what is forbidden is the abundance of spices, sausages, smoked, pastries and sweets.
Pet Care
If you want to see your pet beautiful and well-groomed, it is important to carry out certain mandatory procedures correctly and in a timely manner.
It is not necessary to bathe a cat too often, only as required or pollution.
It is better to comb the wool more often, so that it does not go astray and does not look untidy. Plus, in time, uncombed wool will be visible on your clothes and, in principle, lie throughout the apartment.
Eyes should be wiped in time, so that the wool under them does not get stuck and does not get greasy.
Ears, teeth and claws are basic aspects of Ragdoll care and do not have any special features.
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