This article is about the most expensive cat in the world. This is Savannah! Her extraordinarily beautiful, “wild” appearance attracts people from all over the world. Get to know her better thanks to our article.
- Origin of USA, Growth 30 - 60 сm., Weight 10 - 20 kg.
- Lifespan 15-20 years
Wool length
Mind and wit
Name of the breed: Savannah
Fit for allergics: No
For families with children: Yes
Difficulty of care: No
Interesting Facts
- Despite the fact that initially Serval was allowed to breed with various domestic breeds, today the most valuable kittens from the mating of Savannah were either with Serval or directly with Savannah.
- Savannah reaches its maximum and final body size and coat color only when it reaches the age of 3 years.
- These purrs just love to swim. Everyone is used to the fact that cats are wary of water and all that is connected with it, and Savannah, on the contrary, is looking for it herself and basking in joy.
- Savannah is indeed the most expensive breed of cats in the world. Buying such a kitten can cost 5-10 thousand dollars.
Breed history
The Savannah cat is an animal that was artificially bred. It happened in the United States of America (USA). It was there that breeders got the idea to create a breed that would have a unique “savage” exterior, but a true and domestic character. To do this, they crossed Serval and such breeds of domestic cats as the Egyptian Mau, Oriental, Bengal and Ocicat.
The first purebred mating in the history of the Savannah breed was only able to achieve Judy Frank in 1986. Official recognition of the species occurred in the 2001th year.
Savannah Description
The look of this four-legged one is simply amazing. Their parameters can not be called compact. Height ranges from 60 cm, and weight - 15 kg.
The body is very graceful, elegant, elongated. It is located on long, slender legs. The neck is very refined, but strong.
On the head are insanely beautiful ears. They are large, open, with rounded tips. The eyes are round, beautiful golden or green color.
Coat in Savannah’s description is spotty, brilliant, bright. There are several modifications:
Savannah cat and her character
Many compare these cats with dogs. And this is not easy! Many say that they are also loyal to their masters, they love various active games, they are happy to bring different subjects and learn. They are very inquisitive.
In addition to puppy loyalty, sharp mind, excellent learning and activity, you can highlight in the nature of the Savannah cat an excellent adaptation to various conditions of life. For example, they will make friends with any other pet, and will also play with even the youngest children. The main thing that they are not too squeezed them. This is what they certainly do not like.
Pet content
Savannah is not a small kitten at all. That is why it is better not to keep them in a small apartment, but in a spacious private house. Moreover, we must not forget about their ability to jump 3 meters in length and height. Very often this causes the escape of an animal, which easily jumps over any fence and fence. Take care in advance to provide better protection.
Leaving the animal at home for a long time is fraught with consequences. Besides the fact that Savannah can mess up at home, she will be very bored.
If desired, you can teach your pet to walk on a leash. This will help her in time to throw out all the accumulated energy and be as active as possible.
Keeping and caring for Savannah is not difficult. It is enough to bathe the pet in time (as necessary), comb it several times a week and clean the teeth, trim the claws, wash the eyes and ears.
What to feed Savannah?
The ideal diet will of course be the meat, and raw. This is quite logical, because by its origin it has to do with wild cats. The best option would be turkey, chicken and rabbit. It is strictly forbidden to offer pork. This meat is too fat. To make the diet as balanced as possible, you need to add cereals, vegetables and vitamin supplements.
Many owners choose dry food to feed savannah easier and faster. In this case, the products should be only premium or super premium class.
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