Fit for allergics: No
Name of the breed: Serval
For families with children: No
Difficulty of care: No
Ability to train: No
Interesting Facts
- Servals are not too assiduous during the hunt. They are not able to track down their potential prey for a long time.
- Thanks to the surprisingly long limb, the cat can run fast (speed up to 80 km / h), and also jump to a height of 3 meters!
- Serval is predominantly nocturnal (usually late in the evening and early morning). They prefer to sleep during the day.
- The average cost of a kitten is about $ 6,000.
Origin of Serval
It is wrong to call Serval a separate breed of cat. This is not true. This is a mammal that has a natural origin, to which man has not put his hand. Their habitat is Africa, its entire territory. To a greater extent this animal can be found in the West and East of the continent.
Today, the four-legged can be seen out of will. It is also known about the origin of Serval that even in Ancient Egypt they were successfully socialized and used for hunting. Nowadays, they also easily get along with people in many countries of the world.
It's important to know! Serval is listed in the Red Book.
Description of Serval
This cat is easy to characterize literally in three epithets: graceful, elegant, strong. This is exactly what she appears at the first acquaintance. Serval's description reproduces her as a very bright, elegant pet. She has the longest legs in an animal of the feline family, as well as very large ears close to each other. These are its main distinguishing features.
The head is small. Eyes are yellow or green. The body has strong muscles, elongated. The tail is slightly shortened.
Sizes of Serval
Weight: 10-18 kg;
Height: about 40-60 cm. At the withers.
Serval Character
Perhaps the most pressing issue when buying such a purr is her temper. Serval’s character is far from simple and can be a real surprise for an unprepared owner. So, for example, he does not favor children, especially small ones. At a young age, he can be very frightened of their sharp, loud screams and grow up nervous, cautious. But with other pets can get along and even have a great time together, play, have fun.
The owner of the cat chooses one. She is ready to follow on his heels. He loves to bring a toy, like a dog, to ask him to play together, to enjoy. Other family members are warm, but not with such devotion and love.
Important! The key to domestication is upbringing. It is recommended to take the kitten to a new house at the age of 2 months so that the owner can make contact with him and have a positive relationship on time.
The process of upbringing, training, and instilling new skills can have a number of difficulties associated with Serval’s self-will, pride and independence. They like to do everything as they please, no matter what you say. To punish for wrongdoing, you can either say "You can’t!" And close the pet for a while in a separate room, or slightly spray with water from a spray bottle.
Serval at home
Many people today want to make Serval, but not everyone has enough spacious territory for his comfortable living. For example, in the apartment he will be uncomfortable because of the predominantly low ceilings and small rooms. The fact is that Murlyka loves to climb somewhere higher, for example, on cabinets, high shelves.
Another significant point is that the uncastrated pet marks the territory, which creates a strong smell in the house. To avoid it, owners build separate cages or full houses for their cats. It should be spacious, warm. A prerequisite is the availability of access to the street for Serval living at home. A castrated representative will not leave tags and interfere with the smell of his masters.
How to feed Serval?
Breeders do not recommend feeding Serval dry food. For their stomach and the digestive system as a whole, such food is unusual and poorly digested. It is better to give preference to meat, but in no case do not boil it. Only raw!
In order to minimize the risk of the entry of dangerous bacteria, viruses into the body, the meat is severely frozen.
Here is a list of what Serval can eat:
Bird (chicken, quail in any form: raw, live, heads, offal, filet, whole carcass);
Fish (both sea and river);
Small game (guinea pig, hamster, mouse).
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